Made by: IcedFrappuccino & Moral Support from: o TastyCola o "Infection at its finest" ♣IMPORTANT: ONLY PLAY WITH 2-8 PLAYERS!♣ Download Map Download Gametype Directory Hello, my fellow forgehub commoners. I was trying to come up with the latest and greatest new map and what I have come up with is this one. It features many things that are great and good. It is very addicting and very satisfying as you will soon find out. This map is based off an abandoned warehouse in Russia, that is now overrun with Russian Terrorists. It is your job to eliminate the terrorists. The Humans(Splinter Cells) spawn in a room in which they have 3 options of leaving. They can either take either of the two hallways or they can take a trek into the vents. Be carefull if you go into the vents though, for the zombies(terrorists) can see you walking around above them(as you will see in a pic later). The zombies(terrorists) spawn towards the back of the warehouse in the back of the main room. This map uses up almost the whole middle of foundry and is completely inside. It is IMPOSSIBLE to get outside of the map. Trust me. It is completely indoors. In the main room there are many, many things the humans can hide behind. I will explain in the Gametype section why the humans want to stay out of sight later. If you look up in the main room, you will see the vents and anybody that is walking around in them. There are two entrances into the vents and two secret exits in the vents when you need to jump out. Another objective for the humans to try and accomplish is to obtain the package from the package room. The package room is located all the way at the back of the map and is surrounded on the outside and inside with shield doors, to prevent camping. The package is located on top of a door that is high off of the ground. To obtain it, you must jump off of a dumpster. You might be wondering, what is the package? It is an active camo, custom power up and a radar jammer. It will make your job, eliminating the terrorists, so much easier for a limited amount of time. There is a small 2nd floor on this map. There are two secret exits on it also. You will find 3 flares hidden around the map. They WILL help you. They respawn at 90 seconds. There are secret passages and secret ways to get around the warehouse that you will have to figure out yourself. The gametype is the bread and butter of the map. It is what makes it fun to play over and over again. Humans: -Start with BR(represents Sam's specialty rifle) -Poor Camo(represents Sam's tac suit's ability to hide him in the shadows and other enviroments) -125% Speed(represents Sam's atletic ability lol) -100% Gravity -110% Health(represents Sam's tac suit's embedded Dragon kevlar) -Forced Color Black(represent's Sam's tac suits color) -NO RADAR Zombies: -Start with Shotgun & Magnum(infinite ammo) -NO CAMO -75% speed(represents patrolling terrorists) -150% gravity(only stops them from getting the package themselves) -INVUNERABLE(This is the key part of the gametype. It makes the humans to have to assasinate them, just like in splinter cell games. Non lethal force ) -Forced Color White(represents russians skin color ) -10 meter radar Other: -there are 8 rounds that last 6 mintues apiece -EVERYONE HAS 1 LIFE! The components to this gametype make it very addicting to play. Human Spawn. Note the vent entrance Zombie spawn. Main room, view 1. Main room, view 2. Look up at the vents from main room. 1 Vent entrance Secret in the Vents Package Room THE PACKAGE!!! Way up to 2nd floor 2nd floor flare There are many of these secrets on the map ACTION SHOTS Suprise! The package helps you do, THIS! I've Got the package! That's not an assasination. Sorry failure. Wow, this took forever to type up XD Here are some tips for the humans and zombies. Human Tips: -Try and take out one of the zombies before you run to the package!!! It will help you in the long run. -FLARES HELP YOU! If an enemy sees you, drop one and run! -Teamwork, teamwork, teamwork. -If you die, try and tell your teamates where the zombies are at all times. Zombie Tips: -Always watch your radar -Split up to find the humans. -Don't camp at the package! Well, hope you guys have fun on this map. Sorry, for the lame post. I have baseball in around 30 mintues, so I had to wrap it up kinda quick. Download Map Download Gametype
wow this is a very nice map! it reminds me of the zombie tubes... i really like the pics. and the pakage is quite intresting. does it make you fast and invs.?
Nah. The vents I have only go for a little bit. I never even use them. Gosh, lol. This is not a tunnel, tube, or vent map! There is one vent that goes from main room to spawn lol. Custom Power up gives you Complete invis, more health, and more speed.
very origional but veryu fun. the aesethics are goon and the feel overall is great. this map has my DL good interlocking 8/10 only because of the originality
For the gametype, why didn't you us VIP (the 2 teams can have ther own traits still). Othere than that looks cool. I bet it's fun being all tatical!
some cool features, it looks fun and looks pretty original, it looks well done so far but isnt without its flaws
lol cola. Thanks. Yeah, you were the only human to win with more than 3 people. I totally pwned you tonight though
This looks really well put together. It does somewhat remind me of splinter cell a bit. Nice map 4/5.
yeah this map beasts. and it is very addicting. you want to play till you when. it is the true test if you are really a ninja. lol