Again, thanks for the comments you guys. In answer to some of your questions, only one of the bases is outside the maps boundaries (sub-base 5) and is only as such to require the player to stand on top of a pyramid of crates. This only adds to the hilarity in-game with a player just managing to escape the mines atop the pyramid only for a teammates vehicle to plough through it sending them both crashing to the ground, followed by a desperate run for survival back to the maps boundaries. The large area of desolance between the bases not only fits with the maps opening description, but means it encourages players to use the many vehicles peppered around the map for transport. Hope these answer your questions. Thanks. Chris.
its good to see an infection map that isnt on foundry for a change. And also you were able to have a diffenet style of play than the usual convoy games that take you in circles. 8.5/10
Just to let you guys know, I have edited the main post. It now includes a link to a youtube video I edited and put together for you showing a few minutes of manic gameplay from a typical inheritance v2 match. But for those of you too lazy to visit the 1st page again I'll post a link here too : Inheritance V2 Gameplay Footage
Wow, thanks! BTW what do you think of the video I made? I know it doesn't show much of the map, but it was only supposed to give a taster of the style of intense gameplay you will recieve by downloading this map. Thanks again. Chris.
pretty cool, uv done well with the items provided, it isnt without its flaws but looks very fun good job