This map is MLG styled and symmetrical. It took me about 5 days to make from scratch, this so please take some consideration into testing it. Its perfect for Team Slayer and CTF. Especially on MLG settings. Has more cover than you may think and a lot of other surprises. Has a few jump-ups that are easy and a few that are advanced. Its kind of hard to set up on this map since its kind of difficult to spawn kill. Its easy to make up call outs in this map. It has a few flaws like getting out the map due to me running out of money. If your going to test it try not to jump out the map. Another flaw is stuff being kind of crooked. I need people to test out this map so you gamers can tell me what should I add or take out. If you find anymore flaws do PM me or msg my gamertag; Raymond31789. -Lex1337 Weapons: Battle Rifle Carbine Mauler No power weapons because it unbalances the map. : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Screenshots: Fixes list: Flip bridges. (More Coming Soon)
i honestly cant see the pictures you probaly clicked thumbnail if you go to image shack click the first forums link i think. im pretty sure thats what i do, i just posted a map like 2 before you i think the brink so
where is the link to download? ohh this is for testing isn't this. pleas post only in the form for testing not in the map section
I'd love to see some more pictures, and a detailed description of this. Perhaps a weapon/equipment list? Remember, even if you have a great map, a bad post can ruin it. The detail in your post reflects upon the detail in your map.
That center structure looks....bad (in a bad way). Since the center structure is all I get from the pics. Flip those bridges over for a much more smoother surface, considering that youre using them as floors. And the structures look rather boring, mostly just a sinlge box with a short barrier on top. I suggest look at other successful MLG type maps and getting ideas from them. Andlike others have pointed out already, a better description and more pics of the map would be great. And Welcome to Forgehub.
Those bridges should be pushed down into the double walls more, and flipped upside down because the terrain looks bumpy. Other than that it looks good.
cool you fixed the pictures. maybe interlock the bridges with the main platform thing to make it run smoother. VISIT MY MINI CITY------ Str8 Up Thug - MyMiniCity