looks well made. some things could have been a little straiter but BARELY so it doesnt matter. i like how you only used the back side of the big room in foundry. and you made it NON-open. awesome map. 5/5
looks okay i think you might need more cover thats all VISIT MY MINI CITY------ Str8 Up Thug - MyMiniCity
you got my DL and I can see Beaver Creek in there. its a tad too open but I wont let it detract from my score for the map. 5.5/5!
I don't see anything from BEaver Creeck, you inspired me though, making a remake of it. Gimme some examples. Well, your map looks like it's MLG stuff, seen as there's alot of bases, instead of just some random stuff here and there. Your Interlocking is pretty good, and the layout is pretty good aswell, it looks like this map has some potential.
Very nice map its got some great examples of interlocking and good creativeness. The name is so epic to me but i rate the map a 5/5 the name epic/5