Thanks for doing that full check of the map. You're right. I have not tested the map because for two days, I did not have anybody to help me with it(summer break). I'll work on a new version today with better weapons. Any suggestions, though?
I like the design of this map, quite unique. 5/5 by looks now to play. i also loled at backstory haha
wow the astetics on this map are amazing! good work. but i have one question- who are you???? your a frikin askar and i have never seen you before! are you a ghostie??
Well, about 500 of my posts are on the community maps. I usually just chill on the home page and check out newer maps. I sometimes go on the forum now
If anyone has a suggestion on a new weapon layout, be sure to PM me with it. Version 2 will be coming out soon with a newer, smoother look. Again, PM me f you would like to test this map
I have a headache. But I am currently looking at yout map in forge, and I'm sorry, but I give it like a 4/10. Two hammers? No. A ghost between two hammers? NO! And a beam rifle round the corner? Just no... Terrible for gameplay. And I'm sorry, but I could get out of this map with both hands behind my back. Just getting on that little center thing makes it so easy to get out. And there were of a number of things that didn't look to good, like the A/B sign thing. I'm sorry, but I just think this is porrly constructed. I don't care if these things have been mentioned before, I'm tired and I just don't want to read the comments. So yeah, please just test your map thouroughly before releasing another one... that's all I can say.. sorry.
well i had the same problem as brute captain. the gameplay on this map was awesome though. i played my brother 1v1.. and i dominated with simply the sniper rifle. i would defintetly suggest making it a single grav hammer, less grenades, and maybe a lone sniper (that im unsure about though). the map is great, but i suggest you play-test it and get a feel for weapons. i give it a 7/10
The map seems a lot like project U for some reason it just reminds me of it... Great job! ( however corny that is )
Dang nice map it looks like it has good game play and is also aesthetically pleasing at the same time. I love how the boundaries of the map aren't boring square shaped. Curved walls makes it nicer.
First of all, I think that's a little harsh. This map took me a weeks to adjust, and to come on and slam it is just wrong. Next time, don't write reviews when you have a headache And second, thanks for the weapon suggestions. Other people would just say "weapon layout sucks" which is completely unhelpful. I was actually thinking of getting rid of the hammers completely as well as the snipers. Each team may only have one spike grenade, but BRs will dominate the weapon layout
Lot's of Covenant weapons (which is good!) and a Ghost?! This is truly a "Blow the crap out of each other!" map! LOVE IT!
Wow, sweet map. It not only looks good and probably plays well, but also the placement of structures doesn't make the map feel random.
Wow this map is good .. The interlocking is good for the platforms and it looks great! I'm gonna try this out in my next big lobby to see if it plays well Good job
The construction looks very sound, curves are nicely done and I like the way you've used walls as raised platforms protruding from the walls. It looks nicely balanced, will download and check it out.
lol nice story, and the maps interlocking is very good, in a way, this reminds me of mattys map i forget the name but... nice job on it, 4/5
Wow this looks really nice, I think is one of your better maps. I'm kind of excited about playing this because both teams have a hammer and it'll probably have a new gaming feel to it. I see you effort into it to make it look nice, but I think you should of put that teleporter into the wall so it doesn't look rushed. -CaMOfo