He throws a plasma grenade at the guy, who throws a frag grenade, the plasma gets stuck to the frag and he throws it back at him lol! Here's the link can someone embed I'm confused :S YouTube - Halo 3: How to catch a plasma Grenade. just do[./media] without the period In the vid did the guy just throw a frag right when it was close to him and it stuck to that? Also what is that song?
wait, so the dude seriously just threw a plasma grenade, then the target was lobbing a frag, the sticky attached to the frag, then both went flying out of his hand?!?!?!?!? OMG EPIC WIN I almost have to agree that, that deserves recon. Almost.
this has already happened before, and it got reconz too. sorry but i dont think that bungie will put the same thing on there files again.
This is old tbh. Plus the "rubber glue" guy did it first,got BF's and reconz. It also made inside halo's top five during one of their dry spells...which sadly is still ongoing..."sniff" i need a moment! Its cool and all but kind of a "how the F did i do that?" not really EPIC if you get my drift.When i saw it first i looked at it with the same kind of "awe" i get when i see a triple snipe.Higher than usual but not immense