On the map Rat's Nest is it possible to place an object, most specifically a teleporter into the rooms that over look the outside area and middle section of the map? Example Pic: Link Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
yes it is possible. I remember seeing my brother do this awhile ago. you need to get boxes and crates and a mongoose. you make it so you cant get off the mongoose from one side so it forces you out through the other side (which happens to be the window). i know its something like that.
whooaaa, thats much too hard. Check out the 'Getting out of Level' tutorial in the Forging 101 section. It pretty much describes it as good as you can.
That little skybox thing? Just put a teleporter node ontop of it, have someone not host press A really fast to pick it up and drop it repeatedly. It should fall right through the floor.
Zoltan has the best way so far, but the conneciton host can NOT do that glitch. A non-host needs to place the node flat on the surface, then go towards it rapidly tapping A, while aiming at it.
My friends and I couldn't get the host glitch to work. We used to mongoose glitch and it worked within the first few minutes of trying it. We pushed the mongoose up against the wall so that the person riding on the back was inside the room. At that point if they switched to the monitor mode they would be inside. It took us forever to spawn a teleporter inside it though buy we finally got a two-way node halfway inside (top part was inside, bottom part was outside). Thanks to everyone who helped. The current version of the map is in my fileshare.