Infection is horrible, there have only been a few good ones, and most of those aren't "true" Infection(Hobo heights, Cat 'n mouse).
No one seems to like juggernaut. I can definitely see why, and no one has really created something that makes juggernaut more entertaining. So many people are hating infection. All the chase maps on Sandtrap and super human bases on Foundry have given infection a bad reputation. I personally do not think that it is anywhere near a horrible gametype.
Yea, it's not the game, it's the map. Anyway, they need a gametype that allows a "prisoner-of-war", or simply a two-way zombies game, in which if either team kills a person on the other team, that person they killed becomes a teammate, no matter what side your on. It would make interesting Human vs. Covenant games.
EXAMPLE: A slayer. REASON: because everyone loves to be a murder in outer space with a space suite. EXAMPLE: B team slayer. REASON: think killing but with friends. EXAMPLE: C king of the hill/A.K.A\KoTH. REASON: everyone wants to be king of the castle. EXAMPLE: D assault. REASON: it is always fun to go base wreaking with an exploding bomb. EXAMPLE: E capture the flag/A.K.A\CTF. REASON: just think same concept as assault but with a color image on a pole. EXAMPLE: F territory. REASON: It is just like in the american revolution when both contries wanted the same land but non of them had a thing called a SHOTGUN. EXAMPLE: G infection. REASON: who don't like a good CLASSIC HALO 2 zombies game. EXAMPLE: I oddball REASON: because all players have balls EXAMPLE: Z fat kid/A.K.A\the worst gametype of all time in the history of gaming. REASONS. 1) the unbalance is atrocious because of the simple fact that with all gametypes like this one it is FAR to easy for the humans at the start of a round and is impossible for the zombies at the start, but at the end it is too hard for the humans and too easy for the zombies. 2) it is **** 3) it makes **** sound like pillows 4) whoever make this needs to be shot in the head and T-bagged multiple times by some 450 pound FAT KID EXAMPLE H cat and mouse REASON: this is what infection should be something that is fun for everyone and never gets old -this message has been approved by Bib bob-
/\ Woah, there's two bib bobs, and they have different avatars. Your getting hacked, aren't you? Edit: Nvm, you have the same avatar, but you double posted. If you edit you second, useless post, just delete it in the bottom right corner, where it says saved, go advanced, etc.
capture the flag because it consists of killing and an objectiv; to capture the other teams flag but i like anything watever mood im in
I personally HATE awful Infection games (Halo 2 Infection is still the best). They are played way too much. I like Slayer and CTF.
Infection! So long as it's good Infection. Of course, actually finding good Infection games to play is the challenge. Failing that, CTF/Assault/Territories. But I can only vote once. But I LOVE having something other than just "kill that guy and his friends over and over".
it depends on how little the kid is but I find that a lot of older players have really crappy maps in their custom games.
I like my games to have a little more strategy then just running around mindlessly killing things. So with that said ctf ftw.