Absolutely, actually this is one of the negatives that I forgot to add... A lot of PEOPLE, let alone 13-15 yr olds, have opinions that they will YELL and SCREAM about just to get heard...when truthfully, they're wrong... This is circumstantial though, don't get me wrong, there are some teenagers who have a good frame of mind, who source their facts, and will not ***** and moan simply because someone is telling them what they want to hear. Yes, a serious answer, this is another good point, i notice any time something is brought up in a non-debate forum thread, the points that are made either get ridiculed or agreed with....nothing serious enough for reasonable debate... Forgot to remove my sigs as well...The whole system behind that...I don't understand...I was gone...at work...then a graduation party...after FORGETTING to remove mine...so BAM -rep for not removing sigs...terrrrific...whoever that was...Thanks for not giving a ****. EDIT...forgot again...see how ****ing easy that is?
I don't really like the sig rule, which is why I asked if there was a way to remove sigs only in the debate area, by orangeremi locked it before I could reply to his answer of, "if you can't turn off your sig then don't post." Its annoying and easy to forget. hey I remembered this time! Woot! edit: I'm 15 and have participated in pretty much every debate since this started, and I haven't gotten any negative rep (but rather two positive) and no infractions. I'm sure that some people my age would be like that, but its not fair to make the automatic assumption.
God this is a huge mistake looking at these topics. People feel strongly about a lot of this ****, and have a hard time debating it with maturity in real life. people don't even both trying on the internet, and people will get way too pissed off. Some people (me possibly included) are going to have a field day arguing in some of these threads.
I always forget to remove it when I first it submit. I'm 16 and I dont believe that I am being irrational, I know you said there are some that arent but, I reckon that I've been fairly open minded on the debates. Yes, I remembered to remove my sig.
Alright... so here's my take on it after about a day of ""debate"" 1) I think the ONLY good topics here right now, are the ones where people are getting heated and arguing. IMO, thats a good debate right there. Of course, the problem is people need to remain mature about it all and not get their feelings hurt over the internet. 2) There's already been a flood of really dumb topics, some of them barely even qualifying as a debate at all. Mods are handling it, but i suspect it will continue for some time, and then perhaps fizzle away. Hopefully. 3) I think the biggest problem with the whole section is this: Trying to have a debate about something with some little kids who have no clue what they are talking about, are barely even old enough to have truely developed a personal opinion on something besides what they have been forcefed in our crappy school systems. For example, how can you really debate anything about alcohol or marijuana, when you've never even smoked or drank in your life before. You have no real world experience in the subject, which leads me to believe that you are just repeating all the lies you were fed at DARE or health class. Of course there are a decent amount of intelligent younguns on this board as well, and i mean no disrespect to anyone in particular. Im just making a broad generalization of what ive encountered so far.
im sure they will be a big hit at first, and then after a while theyll start to get rare, i think theyre not worth it personally. they are just a bunch of oppinions from illinformed kids.
Thanks for mentioning me Titmar. But seriously, everyone here seems to think that because someone is young they are therefore ignorant, and ill informed. This is not the case. I know many of people here, who are young and still give well though out insightful replies. In fact using myself as an example, I received a positive rep today because I made a well thought out post, the person who gave me rep supported the other side of the topic and still respected me for my post. I believe that the people here at forgehub that will be interested in a debate forum will also be mature enough to use it correctly. Not to mention that most of the people posting here are not kids.
Don't take that comment personally guys, also, linu, your 16, I believe I said 13-15? Maybe I'm wrong, but either way, this still could be offensive to Al, and to Al: Don't take this comment in a directly personal way, I am speaking about young people, but only because even though you are an intelligent person, there are a lot of kids your age who would kick and scream about something they're being proven wrong about. 2) There have been quite a few dumb topics, imho, they need more mods to keep this forum up... not talking about you 3) DARE=fail...seriously, I remember going through that ****, and the things they teach you is just a load of ****, it's insightful at the time, but down the road you realize how insignificant those facts truly are...for example...They said smoking weed would cause brain damage (I don't know if this happened to anyone else, but they said it to me, I distinctly remember it)...that's right brain damage. They said by inhaling this stuff, I could soon be like one of the kids down the hall (the autistic/mentally handicapped). This of course would strike fear into a kids eyes so **** DARE, **** school's "bringing up the kids, as though they are a parent figure" system...Teach me **** I need to know, like reading, writing, arithmetic...Woah, I'm getting way off track here... Anyways, kids who talk about drugs & alcohol without even trying them kinda pisses me off too, but I mean...I don't want to influence these kids to try the stuff...you know what I'm saying Tit? Final Note: Titmar, you still haven't read the novel I wrote on the Marijuana debate =[
I really like the new forum. Forgehub is already incredibly mature, I think we can keep that way whilst debating.
Yeah i know, i still havent read it. Maybe later. And yeah, the topics are getting dumber and dumber each day.
personally, i see it being a very bad idea. i already said stupid stuff that i didnt think about, and i already gained negative rep for it. some people may go too far and get banned or seriously offend someone. thats just my opinion though.
Well, just tell a mod about your negative rep and they should ban the person that gave it to you. If you didnt' read in the update Shock (or whoever did it) said that if you received negative rep for a post you made in the debate forum, just because someone doesn't agree with you, that person will get banned for 3 days. So on topic: I like it personally, I already write too much in the other forums about my opinions... and now I have a reason to do it without feeling weird. I like debating, it's an activity that some people don't like though, so I can understand why some people might take this as a bad idea. I'm glad they put it out there, and so far I have had a fun time expressing my opinions onto a community that shares some of the same interests that I do. I say keep it. ~Randle $candal
Meh, it's a double-edged sword. One one hand, you've got young people who have no idea what they're talking about debating a topic they've had no personal experience in. So you've got a ton of responses that are ignorant at best and proper debate becomes rare. On the other hand, it's a good idea to let the younger people here experience dissenting views that aren't a regurgitation of what their parents or teachers opinions are. Letting kids use their brains to think critically is vitally important for a successful future and I know that type of encouragement was definitely missing from my high school.
Side A. Saying that it's a bad thing to have a debate forum: It's a bad idea because this will get users banned for things (ofcourse not everyone reads the rules) such as -rep for something opinion based, flaming, spamming (though that one is deserving.), and other things as well... Thats not really that bad. It happens everywhere. This forum will be no different. Mostly though, it can and will get users to argue about things they feel is the truth (a belief if you will) with someone who thinks otherwise. Is not that the point of a debate? Defending your position and trying to convince the opposition otherwise? Side B. Saying that it's a good thing to have a debate forum: This cleans up the Off-topic/General Chat forums, and brings all those heated debates into one general area. yes, i agree. It will also have a guideline system involved that will keep users (maybe) from going to far with their comments. It will also get users to cite more sources (considering the new, Cite your sources for +rep, rule), which is ALWAYS a good thing, because a lot of users don't even THINK about doing that, they just take what they have from memory and throw it out there If this fourm DIDNT have guidelines, that would be a serious problem. Those arent positives, those are what all intellectual debates should have. Anything less would be a somewhat-glorified argument.
nah, i kinda deserved both of them. my post wasnt really my point of view so much as telling them they are wrong. im just saying that this forum is gonna turn less family-like and people are gonna start grudging over opinions and unsimiliar views.
I whole-heartedly despise the debate forums. In a copy of a PM I sent someone about the debate forums...
Nemi, your message to whomever, sais a lot...it's pretty much how I feel... If you don't mind me asking, was that to a mod/admin? and was there a response?
Or since forgehub is about forge and really shouldn't be centered around gay rights or religon, I don't think there should be a debate forum or debates of this sort in off topic. It really just brings the site down. I joined back in January for a site about forge and Halo, and now have goteen some political platform for crap I just don't want to hear about all the time. So no, I don't want a debate forum.
This whole thing is just encouraging people to hold grudges against each other, I completely agree with nemi, this section needs to go ASAP.