This kid is hilariously funny.He should have his own TV show. YouTube - Fred Goes Swimming Funniest part is when he sees the shark and starts swimming away LMAO.Then he pees!!! LMFAOROFL. Check it out!!
I really don't like him. He's not all that funny, he just runs his mouth about stupid **** and put a chipmonk voice over it.
Wow, I've never seen this before. I just sat staring at my computer in a state of shock through the whole video. It was funny at parts but overall it just isn't my style of comedy.
... insta-headache... ... Yet again...another youtube video where I wish I had that portion of my life back... Look, imo, this wasn't comedy, nor was this entertaining... I wanted so hard to close the tab...but I just couldn't take my eyes away from such disturbing footage... btw...this kid should absolutely...100%...doubtlessly not get a t.v. show.