What do you think? Liberal Or Labour? Lets see.... Since Labour has been voted for the government, Australia had received alot more strikes then normal... First there was a teacher strike, and now the Doctors are threatening to have a strike. This is all over pay. Below will have some articles explaining what happend. Thousands will be forced to use annual and carers' leave, sick days or call on grandparents, as more than 11,000 teachers go on strike over the teacher pay dispute. Business SA chief executive Peter Vaughan said employers should allow workers a day's carers' leave or the option to work from home. "Employers and workers should understand the strike is the action of a third party . . . and that these things do occur," he said. "I hope the productivity (loss) to the state is minimised by good working relationships between workers and their employer." South Australian Primary Principals Association president Steve Portlock said all parents had been notified by their school if it was to close, stay open or offer a modified program. "A modified program means children won't be in their normal classrooms but be given a more relaxed (schedule) than normal." An Education Department spokeswoman said it was up to individual schools to determine whether out of hours school care services were still available. Negotiations between the State Government and the teacher's union broke down on Friday following a hearing at the Industrial Relations Commission which recommended, but did not order, teachers "desist" from strike action. The Australian Education Union wants a 21 per cent pay rise over the next three years. The Government has offered 9.75 per cent – or less than half – over the same period. Both the AEU and the State Government yesterday said they were willing to continue negotiations. But AEU SA Branch president Correna Haythorpe said they would continue only if Industrial Relations Minister Michael Wright and Education Minister Jane Lomax-Smith were present. "We need the decision-makers at the table," she said. "It's been a very difficult decision to take stopwork action; however, we feel we have little choice because the Government has not given us a good offer." A spokesman for Mr Wright said the State Government's "experienced negotiators" were the most appropriate people to handle the union's agreement. The strike does not affect private or Catholic schools. Now for the doctors... There is still no sign of a breakthrough after three hours of talks in the Industrial Relations Commission today. More than 100 anaesthetists, surgeons and emergency doctors have handed in their resignations which will take effect in less than a fortnight. Doctors are unhappy with the Government's salary package offer, despite claims it will make them among the highest paid public sector doctors in Australia. Health Minister John Hill says the Government has a plan if doctors quit. "Our focus will be to maintain the three spine hospitals as we describe them, the Lyell McEwin, RAH and Flinders Medical Centre is where the most complex matters are dealt with now, but we just can't say at this stage," he said. Mr Hill says he is preparing for the worst by employing contract staff and sending patients to the private sector, or even cancelling surgery. "It's not a good outcome for the health of SA but it's what we would have to do in the circumstances." The Australian Medical Association (AMA) has offered to enter the pay dispute with public hospital doctors as a mediator. The AMA says it has many members affected by the dispute and in the interests of everyone concerned is willing to mediate. South Australian AMA president Dr Peter Ford says he understands doctors' discontent after nine months of failed salary talks. "Some doctors are working at rates which are 30 percent of what is being received by others so obviously there's considerable discontent," he said. "Certainly the AMA has members there, we also do appreciate the repercussions this will have for the private sector and so anything that we can do to facilitate a resolution we're prepared to participate," he said. The Salaried Medical Officers Association fears the AMA offer to mediate could distract from pay talks in the Industrial Relations Commission. So, who do you think should become government? Labour, the one that basically creates strikes, or Liberal that is a normal government have is nearly perfect. You decide!
Labour, Howard was a nutcase... he was for the rich. Labour is for the workers. Howard made the IR laws ect. Labour is actually doing pretty well... ive only had about 2 school strikes... i don't no what your on bout.
Labour might make more people die if the Doctor strike resumes. Its just all over money. When liberal was in, they wern't fighting about money. Money was fine. Like you said, your teachers have had 2 strikes.
The librel government could of put millions of people out of jobs without explanation! think of that one
True. But kids go first. Other wise when you grow up, you will be a dumb a*s. The article said, over 11,000 teachers had a strike. 20 times more children in public schools stayed home just for some stupid strike.
No jobs= no money= no school fees= no school= dumbass child. Well, most teachers are just sooks, they winge about there pay yet... look at the holidays they get, and look at what they have todo. Don't forget they teach the same thing over and over again to each class... that would be easy... they don't have to work weekends... 6 week holidays and all. PE teachers even get to play non-stop sport. Like wtf!