I've thaught a long time about making this map and i need desperate help making it, well first of all before you get confused think of barrel blaster. i had an idea of making a map were each territory is garded by a nutrul team, still with me? Each territroy is garded by a different team mate so far i have these teritories 1) This territory is garded by a warthog forced around a cuircut, splatering anyone garding the teritory, its path is suronded by bridges with a upside down mancannon guiding the hog 2) this one is a ship in the sky (sujestions) that drops fusion coils on the territory every 45 seconds 3) Is a cannon shooting fusion coils across the map into the territory i still need help and sujestions with this map so i'm glad to hear them
ok so let me see if i understand this: there are 2 teams that are trying to capture the territories, but there is another team of neutral people that guard them? that sounds cool, but the ideas youve suggested dont really make sese to me, could you expand on this?
I understand it better based on what Wiggum said. That's actually an interesting idea, although I'm not sure exactly how that would play out trying to set up the gametype.
He basically means that there are only two teams, but there are hazards which 'attack' the territories, which act as an outside interference for the teams to avoid. Its a nice idea, but i fear it'll be hard to accomplish without looking sloppy or ugleh ... just my opinion of course.