Convoy Tunnel

Discussion in 'Featured Maps' started by TrueDarkFusion, Jan 3, 2008.


How would you rate this map?

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  1. DRO Maelstrom

    DRO Maelstrom Ancient
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    Maelstrom is back at last!!!!

    This is the first map I checked out of the ones that are there. This looks awesomely fun. I've downloaded it, and can't wait to get a group of 16 going in customs (gotta finish Assassin's Creed first heh, heh).
  2. Wakko45

    Wakko45 Ancient
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    Don't forget to post on the forums guys. I hate to see such a bad map get washed away into the depths of what we know as the Bungie File Forum.
  3. TheYavimayan

    TheYavimayan Ancient
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    I lost my whole family and a mule to that! but yea I am going to post and I think you all should too :)
  4. Lance001

    Lance001 Ancient
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    The forums are a breeding grounds for newbs and demons.

    This map reminds me a lot of the manic parts of the movie. Huzzah for crazed zombie infestation!
  5. Wakko45

    Wakko45 Ancient
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    I think there should be a High Scores for this map. Sort by who has made it the entire game then by the amount of kills.
  6. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    We played this in a custom game yesterday. General consensus was that it was definitely too many rounds/too long of rounds - we had a couple people quit and it seemed to really drag on.

    I liked the map concept and the barricades. In practice no one removed the barricades though, we just plowed into them and blasted at them with the guass hog gun and the tank. The other issue is one that unfortunately you can't do anything about, which is the old "honor rules" thing. First round we attempted a real convoy; second round, the warthogs just charged ahead and left the tank to fend for itself; and eventually people were just freelancing. Unfortunately without any specific objective other than "don't die," it turned into an every-man-for-himself situation. And I found it was actually easier to survive the tunnel on foot than to take a vehicle that could easily be boarded.
  7. Wakko45

    Wakko45 Ancient
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    What honor rules? I don't think there are any on this map. And sure, going through the tunnels is easier but once you get to the end, without a hog, you aren't going to survive for to long.
  8. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    The whole concept is kind of an honor rule thing - why go through the tunnel in the first place? Why wait and do a convoy if you can just get in one of the hogs with a buddy and plow through the tunnel as quickly as possible? Why bother with the tank, which makes you a big, slow target? There's no clear motivation to play the map the way it was intended, and in practice, after we ran one or two real convoys, everybody started freelancing. I found the best way through the tunnel for one person was to go on foot, following the vehicles (which were drawing all the attention) and just blast any zombie that came at me with the trusty shotgun. I cruised up and down the tunnel without much effort. It might have been different if the first zombie had managed to infect anybody, but the hogs were going full tilt and made it to the end before he could kill anyone.

    About the end itself - one round we got both hogs down there, and the zombie had infected no one. The result was a lot of thumb-twiddling waiting for the zombie to spawn, run at us, and get drilled. You're right that one person on foot would be kind of trapped there, but that wasn't how it worked out.

    I guess my point is that the intended way to play the map isn't necessarily the best strategy, either for the whole team or for any particular member of it. That makes it kind of an honor rule in my book, because the intended strategy is more fun to play than just driving or running up and down the tunnel & picking on the lone zombie.
  9. TrueDarkFusion

    TrueDarkFusion Ancient
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    You must have had some really stupid people as zombies then. If you don't get the convoy or part of it to the end there's no way to actually survive the whole time.
  10. Wakko45

    Wakko45 Ancient
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    Yeah, honestly, if the zombies could not infect you guys then they must not have known how to play Halo 3 because it isn't hard at all to kill the humans if they rush through.
  11. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    I agree with TrueDark, whoever was the zombie in that game must have been missing a few brain cells.

    I played a few rounds of this yesterday and I thought it was amazingly fun. The zombie would always hide in some clever place and ambush us right in the beginning, getting at least 1 kill and hleping his odds.

    Yes, there were a few morons who decided to camp at human spawn.... but we know what happens when u do that. Then they started team-killing so they were booted. Anyways, overrall i thought this map was genius.
  12. ins3ane

    ins3ane Ancient
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    I love that movie
  13. Epic Tusk

    Epic Tusk Ancient
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    You Love Movies. So do I.
  14. TheYavimayan

    TheYavimayan Ancient
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    Spam...please go back to the topic
  15. Gravedigger5454

    Gravedigger5454 Ancient
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    No, I was playing with him, the zombies were getting lots of kills. You don't understand what he's saying. There's no reason to play it the way it was intended all the way through because if you do attempt to go through the tunnel it gets much easier to kill you. The only actual goal that is enforced is "don't die," sure the first couple rounds people try to get through the tunnel too, but it just doesn't work for eight rounds. If you stay around long enough to get in a "convoy" you become more vulnerable to the zombies. I rushed through the tunnel really quickly at the beginning in a Warthog with someone else one round. We just camped at the end (since there was nowhere else to go) and were able to survive until some people started to let the zombie kill them. The point is, the map simply has to many honor rules and is a little to repetitive for it to be going on for eight rounds. With three rounds this could be a pretty good map. The concept itself is pretty good though.
  16. lifeanddeath31

    lifeanddeath31 Ancient
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    looks like it would be a fun game. looks a little hectic, with all the vehicles, and I don't completely like how there are just random shield doors at one end. But besides that i bet I'd play it, and it would be rather enjoyable.
  17. Epic Tusk

    Epic Tusk Ancient
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    the shield doors are there to eliminate camping with the tank and Warthog.
  18. AqueousBeaver

    AqueousBeaver Ancient
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    This map is great. It works exactly as intended. It plays out just like a zombie movie (and since the zombies infected can run - 28 days later). Sure there's always that one guy who is better off on his own. And he may take his girlfriend with him. But by the end of the movie, they're (un)dead. The ones who make it to the sequel know that even with your back to the wall at the end of the tunnel, you can't survive alone.

    My favorite Infection game (but I love being wheelman, so I'm biased, because this is definitely the best wheelman map)
  19. lifeanddeath31

    lifeanddeath31 Ancient
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    Still I don't completely see why they are so poorly constructed. they appear as tho they were just placed there to use up the space. and to prevent camping you could just as easily built an immovable wall or something so that the crafts couldn't get in. I think it would look better and I don't see how placing 7 shield doors is more effective than just a wall. I'm not criticizing this map, cause I think it looks fun this is just a little part that may need adjusting.
  20. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    "its looks like fun" ^^

    you havent even tried it yet and you criticising the hell out of it... auto-fail.

    it does have a couple issues but it has always been loads of fun when ive played it.

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