Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by faceplanter7774, Jun 20, 2008.
I'll be waiting.
Never seen that before. Cool find, I guess. Also, 500 posts! Yay for senior membership!!!
Yeah, I think it looks like a wolf about to pounce! Pretty cool.
I have never seen that before I've seen hippo dolls but never a little devil lol .
Before you pointed it out it looked kinda like Kermit the Frog
Wow thats weird.
oh you people are hopeless... I quit.
Wow those pics are crazy .. :O I would never find something like that .. Good job
its a kitty!!!!!!!!! good eye! Capture Out!
wow.....looks creepy
reminds me of the clown face in blood gulch in halo 2
Nice find! Even if it is unintentional, it's still pretty cool/creepy.
You can see eyes on the back of dumpsters aswell
Its the devil run to the hills!!! Very nice find single boxes are the work of the devil i tell you