Well once again B.net has mentioned our humble souls. This mention is subtle, in the 2nd paragraph, 4th sentence. Oh, Sketch, your maps don't compare to ours! MUHAHAHA!! :squirrel_evil:
I am the official representative! Well, They do look good, espicially the one with the "J" name I think and "Town" at the end. I looking back, why is it a question for the thread title? Lol.
Yeah, Bungie is really liking Forge Hub. I should take a bus over there and buy them a round of cold ones.
it would be pretty cool if we got bungie to sponsor us, and then eventually link our windows ID to the site. But it would only have one good side, and that is being able to put pictures in directly
If Bungie sponsored us I have a feeling everyone that is terrible on Bungie would come here and ruin it for the dedicated people. So many things in the Bungie section are pointless and a lot of spam goes on. It is hard to find things unlike here at Forge Hub. I love FH.
Bnet and FH merging is probably one of my worst fears. that would end up bad. i came here to get away from Bungie.
Make that two. dont bother; with all the money they have made off DLC and Halo 3 and Halo 3 Marketing rights (action figure and gamefuel and stuff) they could buy 3 warehouses full. Yea, i would agree with that. The spam is horrible. I like this, you get to know all the people that always post, good sense of community. I mean, we need alot of people, but not too many people that we loose that sense of community.
I've been lurking and reading a lot here for the last couple of weeks and, from my perspective, these boards are a lot more mature than Bungie's. I shudder to imagine how much nonsense would have to be sorted through to make sense of the boards if they're spammers showed up here... Just my two cents...