Did you know that in the US there is no law against news corporations form lying to the public. Now you may say "but I have never seen or heard of news company lying" Should the US pass a law to keep news companies form lying? http://youtube.com/watch?v=5rqdtZlec0s
Oh god yes, just as an example, in my monster quote in the marijuana debate...Yellow Journalism is a big problem, and is one of the many reasons why marijuana is illegal...If they actually implemented a law, saying shutup **** journalists...I would be extremely happy and would actually watch the god damn news.
It should be completely illegal, in my opinion. The internet can be trusted more than fox, in my opinion.
They ought to have a disclaimer at least... Everyone knows Fox news is all lies. They're Yellow "Journalists" that only make sensationalist news stories. You know their slogan? Fair & Balanced: We report, you decide. Bull to tha ****. It's really: Unfairly Balanced: We report what we decide.
Not necessarily, Mr. Ghost. Some news shows are very fair and balanced. Namely, the ones that aren't Fox news.
I disagee. Fox is no more a "yellow journalist" than any other major news network. The rest of the media is very liberal (the american definition of liberal) so when fox, which is rather conservative, airs thier newthey gets blasted by the rest of media. if you want to look at truth in the new take a look at the entire media, video print and radio, not just one network. you'll soon find that everything is skewed. and to the proposition that a law be implemented to keep news corperations from lying, who will decide what the truth should be? The goverment? A sepreat agency? Another news group? You? Me?
Actually, the point of this debate was about all news as a whole, Fox was simply an example as how news as a whole is "skewed"...