1. Halo 3 2. Halo 2 3. Super Smash Bros. 64 4. Mario Kart 64 5. Super Mario 64 I stick to certain groupings of games.
In no particular order: W40K Dawn of War Halo 3 Oblivion Age of Mythology Super Mario Allstars (Had all the SNES Mario games on it!) Will probably change if I remember more.
well...I suppose: 1) Halo 3 2) Call of Duty 4 3) Grand Theft Auto IV 4) Warcraft (wow or frozen throne) 5) Helbreath I'm guessing NOONE knows what helbreath is, sadface.
1. Metroid Prime/SSBB 2. Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3. Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess 4. Super Metroid/Metroid Prime 2 I don't have a fifth place spot because I already have six games...
1. TES IV: Oblivion 2. Final Fantasy VII 3. Warsong 4. Mass Effect 5. Final Fantasy X I bet no one knows what Warsong is.
In no order for me, because its more of a mood thing The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Mass Effect Rock Band GTA (In general) Neverwinter Nights (NOT 2)
1. Deus Ex 2( PC/Xbox) 2. The Legend of Dragoon (PS1) 3. Gears of War (Xbox360) 4. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time(N64) 5. World of Warcraft(PC)
1. Return to Castle Wolfenstein 2. Half life series 3. Myst series 4. Farcy series 5. First two Spyro games
Franchises shouldn't count Awww, why not...? D: You jacked mah post! He's on to meh! *flees* (You're dangerously close to my color D: )
1.mercenaries (yeah baby hitting the origs! beaten the game completely every weapon air strike and car and over 1 bill!) 2.legend of zeldarcarina of time ('64 baby) 3. Halo 3 4. KOTOR 1 and 2(star wars! knights of the old republic) 5.super smash bros 64(orginal)
Asper49 makes me want to cry As for retro games, here's my list. 1.Galaga(Arcade) 2.Space Invaders(Arcade) 3.Street Fighter 2(Arcade) 4.Mortal Kombat 2(Arcade) 5.Contra (Arcade)
I would say that the five that defined me as a gamer are 5. BioShock-360 (I know it's new, but it redifined how I look at linear gaming) 4. BanjoKazooie-N64 3. Metal Gear Solid-PSOne 2. GoldenEye-N64 1. Ocarina of Time-N64
1. Final Fantasy 7 (AMAZING! PURE AWESOMENESS IN A DISC!) 2. Oblivion, GotY (even though my Shivering Isles doesn't work) 3. Diablo II + Expansion (Dungeon Crawling amazingness) 4. Quake III: Arena (MODS GALORE) 5. Halo 3 (Customization beyond belief, and without mods!)
1.) The Legend of Zelda : The Ocarina of Time 2.) Halo 3.) Halo 3 4.) GTA: Vice City 5.) GTA IV Kind of a different category (Arcade)...... SILENT SCOPE!!! Most epic arcade game of all time.