Flooded Mines

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by IKL Dead Man, Jun 23, 2008.

  1. IKL Dead Man

    IKL Dead Man Ancient
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    Flooded Mines
    Created by NickBO222 and ANIMEX88

    Supported Gametypes:
    Infection variant:Mine or Die

    Map Description
    "****, run now.." "but the end of the hall is blocked!" "No it's not, everyone help me push this barricade away." "Lets just fight the evil ghost." "No it's too dangerous." "Why do you say that?" "We have tried every weapon on him, and it doesn't stop him." If you two ladies would like to shut the F--- up, we have problem." "what is that?" "He's right here!" "****.. move, Move!!".........

    After reading that little story, I hope your a more interested in this map. Basically it's a problem solving, maze, infection map. Well it's actually a map where you mine to get to the end. Swords are the best weapon to mine with unless you have the spartan lazer. But since it only has 5 shots, use them wisely.
    The alpha zombie is white, moves extremely slow but invincible. When people are infected they are black, moves a little faster than normal, have shields, but they can only take 50% normal damage.
    This is a game recommended to have 7 or more people playing at once to have a lot of fun. Some notes before pictures: This map has been stolen by, other people, so just let you know these two are the real creators of the map and gametype. Also, they did not know of any glitches except the floating glitch and they found the unlimited money glitch map for foundry. They now know all of the advanced glitches except Geo merging were all still learning. This was also made before the legendary map pack was released. Only reason I didn't post this, was the fact that I was to lazy and my computer was a pain until I got my new one like a month ago. So for that I'm sorry FH, But I hope you guys enjoy this map. Enough of me talking, Here are some pictures. Only problem is that the pictures are in the wrong order so you don't know what to expect, there are more obstacles, and two traps that will kill you! Thank you for reading and have a nice day.


    Careful for the cave in's

    I told you to be careful!

    Wall of barricades

    Is this supposed to be a joke?

    Why are there so many?

    Just two?

    Download Flooded Mines
    Download Mine or Die
  2. Darkdragon

    Darkdragon Ancient
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    woot, first post, 8/10, looks awsome but i deducted some points since its not really that originall, but its still awsome, i see some kinds of barriers that are not in other maps like this,BTW by originall, Brno32 made omega journey, which was the first of its kind i beileive
    #2 Darkdragon, Jun 23, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2008

    DRiSCOLL Ancient
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    the ideas been done allot with omaga journey and fatboy but this map stands out, it looks nicley done and planned out, im sure its as fun as it looks, good job i love the story
  4. IKL Dead Man

    IKL Dead Man Ancient
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    This was the first unless you find a map like this made before 4/13/08
  5. I japanduh I

    I japanduh I Ancient
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    Got to admit nice map. I think I already saw something like this before though.
  6. Dark Ruler

    Dark Ruler Ancient
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    looks good, can barely tell where everything is, so more pics maybe.
  7. ActTehKiLL

    ActTehKiLL Ancient
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    It looks like fun but i dont really get the concept of it i guess tis just barriers so 2/5 on them couldve been more creative.
  8. DoYouLikeWaffle

    DoYouLikeWaffle Ancient
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    looks horrible
    Yay for pink name!
  9. Paulie Walnuttz

    Paulie Walnuttz Ancient
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    reminds me of omega journey, nice job tho, looks fun i like the tunnels
  10. CPV18

    CPV18 Ancient
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    This looks like a really intense game. I will DL and I bet all of my friends will be freakng out trying to get out fast.
  11. IcedFrappuccino

    IcedFrappuccino Ancient

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    Looks like an Omega Journey rip off to me...
  12. I japanduh I

    I japanduh I Ancient
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    I just tried it and it is very nice although to similar to mining camp
  13. BeNZiN

    BeNZiN Ancient
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    This looks like a great map!! Good job!!! 4/5!!!
  14. TehOne

    TehOne Ancient
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    it looks pretty fun, but I can't tell much from teh pictures
  15. CaMOfo

    CaMOfo Ancient
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    A lot of people were probably waiting for another version so could see a different layout. I think you coulde of made it a little more pleasing to the eye if you used the shield doors on the side so it would accually look flooded. Nice, new version of Omega Journey and I think you can of put more creativity into your maps.

  16. BennyIV

    BennyIV Ancient
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    Looks alright. 3/5 DarkDragon
    is not respected here please refrain from saying that it is considered spam. also DoYouLikeWaffle please specify why the map is horrible so that the maker may make changes or improvements.
  17. Darkdragon

    Darkdragon Ancient
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    lol, in that quate did you notice the other stuff? a post of just woot first post would be spam, but did you see the other lines of meaningful writing

    and no, i wont refrain, as long as i put actuall stuff with it, everyone does that lol
  18. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    that is a neat idea. it involves a lot of teamwork because everyone cant have their back turned. would download but i cant link my gamertag.
  19. xMBMAxPureEvil

    xMBMAxPureEvil Ancient
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    actually theres a map called sabers journey (also known by freds journey) which was all interlocked, where you couldnt get out at the end. This looks fun though but the originallity is off becausxe theres many many maps like this believe it or not even if you tried to make it non-origional its still gonna be origional
  20. Kronos

    Kronos Ancient
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    I am tired of these maps. They are all exactly the same, but with the barriers moved around. A couple will have something new, in yours, it's the road blocks keeping the dumpsters up, I like that.

    But there are a bunch of remakes of this, It's fun a couple times, as a human, then it's boring as a human.

    For the zombies, it always sucks. Nobody wants to be the guy that just sits there and walks through a tunnel until he catches up. Or in some versions, runs all fast but dies instantly around every corner.

    I really don't even like this concept. Again, it's fun the first couple times, but then, no. Maybe if someone would make it more interesting, all of these layouts are the same though.

    It doesn't help that many of the game variants to go along with these have 10 rounds. This game needs 1 or 2 rounds at the most.

    I'm not trying to flame your map, don't get me wrong there. I'm mostly ranting about the concept for these. You did an alright job.

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