Hello fellow Halo 3 players. I bring you a map kind of like MILES (if you haven’t played then I'd try it out, I'd give a link to it, but I can't seem to find one) But unlike MILES, you need two people to complete it. My friend porkmoney and I took around 15 hours or so thinking, forging, and perfecting Duality. Yes, we were inspired by MILES to construct Duality, but we didn’t take any of the jumps from MILES. We made a game type which you can download here that goes with Duality. Another thing we are doing with Duality is a contest. If you plan on doing the contest you must use the game type we made. We are holding it until August 18th. The contest is basically to see which two players can get to the end the fastest. After you do so go in theater and record your run that you did that got you to the end. Please don’t record any times you fell down and had to start over. We don’t want to see that. Another thing you should know about the contest is that cheaters will be disqualified. (Like using a pick up grav lift and using it somewhere else ~that‘s cheating~) After we review all the films sent to us we’ll pick out the three fastest and give those teams prizes. ~Please send all videos to either Vorpal Saint or porkmoney. The people who come in first place both get 1 year subscriptions to X-box live. The people who come in second place both get X-box live vision cameras (you’ll have to give us your mailing address for this prize though). And the third place players will get 1,600 Microsoft points each. For any questions message either gamertag porkmoney or Vorpal Saint or just ask here and we’ll try to answer the best we can. To all who play this good luck and we hope you have fun. Screenshots:
First off, you need pictures for maps and second off, it would be ebtter off in the contests section. Great idea, although your download link says error. :] gl
Ya, you need to put pics in but sounds good ID see it being as hard as miles though tht was a b1tch Str8 Up Thug - MyMiniCity
you cant wait to post pics when you post the thread pics have to be included. also about the map theres are several diffrent versions of miles. miles is known my mines, omega journey, and more. There is also a freds journey also named sabers journey. 6/10 without playing the map and without screenshots
It does help if you tell him how to embed Welcome to forge Hub. We here at forge hub hope that you will continue to be an active part of this community. However, your post is not up to forge Hub standards. You must have your images embedded. Please read this topic for more information about correct posting format. If you need help with embedding pictures, follow these instructions. You must first access them from your screen shots section in your Halo 3 bungie.net profile. Then, save them to your computer. You must use and external image hosting site, such as Image hosting, free photo sharing & video sharing at Photobucket. Upload the images then select them. It should provide and image code for you, then take that code and insert it into the text box that appears when you click the image icon while posting. For more help PM me or click this link to help with embedding http://youtube.com/watch?v=4jKRmmBIljU
Yeah well do I copy and post how to do stuff? No...and besides wasn't that Brute Captain's? I'm more original... :] I think he knows how to embed or can figure outh ow to, I'm sure he's a decent age especially for donating to the community like that...
hey if the first place people get 1 free year,wouldnt it be better to give them each half-year subscriptions?so they wouldnt fight over it
They both get 1 years. (In as there are 2 years and each person gets 1) I'd do the pics right now but there's two problems: 1 bungie.net, for me anyways, is messing up mega time and 2 It wont let me sign into XBL. =[ And yes, I do know how to embed pics. (I just didn't have any, I kind of rushed this with out thinking about taking any)
It's meant to only be used with 2 people. (Honor code) If you download and look at in forge then you might believe. (Or do it with another person)
That's odd, for some reason the screenshots are "small".... Sorry about that, but I honestly don't know why they're like that.
The only way to cheat is to use a grav lift on a part where it isn't placed at. There are four grav lifts on the map. One to help your mate out at the start, another to help your mate up to where he/she just brute shot jumped you into a floating teleporter, the third one is to help your mate that blew up the fusion coils to get you through a teleport that was being blocked and the last one is used to lift the dumpster in the back hallway (that grav lift is hidden somewhere in the dumpster part so don't feel the need to where you have to wait for one of the first three to spawn) So all you really have to do is, do the course without waiting for the grav lifts to spawn. Oh, and at this time, I want to make a note that the end of the coarse is where the two flares sit next to each other. (You know it's over when the two players through the two flares)