Alright i have now made 4 (count em) 4 bubble shield tricks. here they are: The bubbletron: Moving bubble shield that u can push along a specified path. The bubble transport: a trick used to put a bubble shield around any vehicle that goes along with you. The sliding bubble shield: a trick used to act as cover while going down a slope. Grav lift moving bubble shields: a trick used to move a bubble shield a few feet closer to something, or to get enemys out of cover > Ok so now i will give a description of each: Bubble transport: ok so many people dream of a vehicle that could carry a bubble shield around, well i have created one! This trick can be used on most vehicles. What you do is put a pallet flat across the vehicle and then place the bubble shield ontop of it. if done properly, your vehicle will have a protective covering around it for as long as the bubble shield lasts! Pros: excellent protection for your vehicle!!! Cons: must drive slow enough to keep bubble shield on :/ Video: Bubble transport Sliding Bubble Shield: ok this trick can only work on around a 45 degree angle or more (stairs upside down with tall end on a door sideways) Basically it just slides down a slope so you can walk down it as well while the bubble shield totally covers you from all harm Pros: Excellent protection for your team! Cons: In order to use, you must time it right and walk at the right speed. Video: Sliding Bubble Shield Grav lift Moving Bubble shield: ok so this trick is pretty basic. Just throw a grav lift under a bubble shield to move it a few yards. Like if u want to go into a hallway safely, and you place the bubble shield too far away, just throw the gravlift under it to throw it a few extra yards. Another use for this is if theres a bunch of enemys all bunched up in one bubble shield, and you dont want to just wait for the shield to turn off, just throw a grav lift in there, and Walah! there protection is gone. This also leaves confused enemys for easy kills > Pros: helps in those rare situations where u need a better position for your Bubble shield. Helps confuse enemys in shield. Cons: needs 2 equipment items, so that means you will need another person on ur team which means you cannot do this trick on FFA for moving ur own shield. Video: I did not include a video, because well, it is not really needed for this one, its pretty simple and easy to understand. AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST: BUBBLETRON!!! BUBBLETRON This is how the map works: First: place a radar jammer in the small depression in the ground like so: then place the Bubble shield on either side of the radar jammer: Finally, crouch and start pushing the radar jammer forwards! This is a demonstration of how it really works: BEFORE: AFTER: and now if you didnt get the link above: DOWNLOAD HERE Also: this idea can be added to maps, a slight depression in the ground, can be perfect for the moving bubble shield trick! Note: info was given by coyotey boy1023 that a pallet will work as well instead of a radar jammer for pushing the bubble shield. Well thats it! my 4 tricks with the bubble shield! maybe ill become like that guy who came up with 100 uses for the peanut, lol ill be chief wiggum: inventor of the 100 uses of the bubble shield. that would be AWESOME. oh and could u tell me if these are old tricks that u have already heard of, and wether or not you think you will use these in the future. thanks!
Haha I like the sliding bubble shield, might attempt to use that trick in my map, if you don't mind that is.
The vehicle one is really cool and might be interesting for someone who can implement it properly. To bad we don't have the troop transport hogs from the game, they'd be perfect
Well it could be used well with the troop hog in The Pit, but it's a pain to get in the playing area.
The last one is pretty cool, and could be usefull in a map to get to a special room or something i'll look into it
yes do, i have been trying to figure out a way to add these to a game, and its gotten pretty interesting, but nothing foolproof yet...
i heard of the gravity lift one in an Xbox magazine ages ago. Also, the sliding one isnt really a trick. Nice job on the other ones though.
actually it would probably be terrible for rocket race, you see, to keep the bubble shield on, you have to drive pretty slow...
These are kinda cool, but I don't really see a real reason for bothering to do any of these. Maybe just messing around, but not in competitive play.
well they can be set up to happen, so that if someone comes along and does it, hell have it for a while, it doesnt have to be an entire map feature like: My new map: BUBBLE MOVING DEATHATHON where basically the whole maps centered around it, it can be to the side of things, kind of just an added bonus.