Though the bodies are gone, the bases, weapons, and vehicles left by the dead serve as a legacy to those who are still living. Credit goes to PossesedLemon for being one of the pioneers of this unique infection map Inheritance V2 by dread armadillo This map was inspired by a recent lack of good infection maps in custom games to date. I don't know about you but lately, it seems, custom games have condensed into badly made labyrnth style infection maps on foundry and the occasional Omega Journey that (sorry to the creator) I have sadly grown to hate. What happened to the good old high octane, adrenaline fueled matches, sometimes on sandtrap, where humans would run for their lives, combating an endless swarm of zombies, scourging the map for a base or any other kind of refuge from where they could hold out until help arrived (the match ended) or they met their inevitable doom. With this map I aimed to re-capture those moments and there have been many additions to the map consistent with this factor, you will notice. Map Description The map is consists of a main base at which the humans spawn at, and 5 sub-bases each with a yawning expanse between them. To support this area of desolance there are 3 vehicles at the starting base (a warthog and 2 mongooses) and also 4 more vehicles littered around the map (under wreckage and behind sub-bases). This enables fast paced gameplay allowing the players to choose to hold out in one of the 6 bases (not including a hidden last stand base where a lone survivor could hold off) or engage in an adrenaline filled chase across the sand plains. Of course there are many more forge changes that alter the gameplay elements. Fusion coils fall from the sky around the maps boundaries to possibly overturn an unlucky survivor and a huge wall blocking off a circuit of the map only passable by grav lifts means zombies can trap players consistent in ruining the game (by driving in a complete circle around the map and making it impossible for the zombies to catch them) by hitting out the grav lifts causing them to crash into the wall. Extra implementations to the map include stacks of barrels for the vehicles and zombies to trample through and various plasma batteries for the occasional hollywood explosion all improving on the gameplay and adding to the fun. Gametype This map requires no specific gametype however always make the zombies fast enough to chase down the many vehicles the map supports and make sure the zombies have less shields than the humans. I recommend a magnum start for the humans and have the alpha zombie equipped with a sword and gravity hammer. The rest of the options are up to you . Now of course the pictures: Main Base Sub-base 1 Sub-base 2 Sub-base 3 Sub-base 4 Sub-base 5 Wall Explosions Unlucky Survivor Before (Barrel Mini-Game) After (Barrel Mini-Game) Pics not enough? Click this link here for a few minutes of manic gameplay footage I edited and put together for you : Inheritance V2 gameplay footage Download Here Please download and enjoy. Thanks. Chris.
6xbattle rifle (30 secs) 3xshotgun (45 secs) 1xSMG (30 secs) 1xSniper Rifle (60 secs) 1xSpartan Laser (45 secs) 2xAssault Rifle (30 secs) 1xTrip Mine (60 secs) 1xIncenerary Grenade (30 secs)
It looks great,not a cheap at all (which is rare in infection.) looks great for a first post, I love the sub bases. the map is an overall infection win.
looks pretty sweet. this the first good infection map ive seen since 6 weks ago!!! great job and great work 9.5/10
Not to many people can pull off a good fair gameplay-wise map, especially on infection. The bases look very fair and your post looks very professionally done (I accually wanted to read through it other then most descriptions). 4/5 because its not really original for infection. -CaMOfo
Wow, thanks for all the feedback you guys! Hope you have a great time playing on this map and as I said before credit also goes to PossesedLemon and also ninja dread man for helping me with the first version of this map. And yes, the zombies can knock some of the bases down, but it only adds to the fun and rounds are so manic it doesn't make much difference because you've got to be constantly on the move. Oh, and that's another thing I should have mentioned, in the gametype make sure the humans don't have infinite ammo or it will be largely unfair towards the zombies (as they can just hold out in the same base for the entire match). Thanks again for the feedback, I'll make sure this isn't the only map I post, I'm working on another as I type!
You're right, but I'm tired of consistently playing on foundry because of the lack of good forge maps on any other map. That's why I set out to make this one, which I hope is enough to sway people back to playing on sandtrap and other maps again. BTW omega journey only sucks because the people who play it play the wrong gametype with it (i.e. they have infinite ammo, SMG and grav hammer while zombies can be killed instantly, causing 90% of the party, to begin with, to quit... GAY).
ok but what about the gaurdians if your at abase next thing you know BAM gaurdian goes off in your face seriosuly I havent DL's but i'd like to know how it happens
This isn't the best map out there, but it's better than a lot of Sandtrap infection variants. Most you see on this level have some for that is impossible to get to for the zombies, someone literally had a floating box fort, with no way up, no stairs, no teleporter, no grav-lift, no anything. The zombies had swords. And the stairway to heaven map is horribly unbalanced. It's a bit open, but it's sandtrap, you can't help that. I like the sub-bases, I can't tell for sure, but they are all inside the boundaries right? A couple are close, but I think they are in. I'll give you an 8/10 on this one. If I liked this kind of infection, it would be a 9 or 10. Truthfully, I like the use of infection in mini-games, rather than regular infection. Is that weird? Off Topic: Welcome to Forgehhub.