Everyone on B.net has been asking for a city/urban map, so I tried. With Halo 2 classic 'Turf' in mind, I created a city-esque map with buildings, streets and vehicles. Intense combat over the weapons of choice; Sniper, Splazer and Brute Shot. This is also my first serious map. Great when used in conjunction with the Ghetto game variant. Updates: Teleblocked the entrances. HOPEFULLY fixed the spawn issue.. If the spawn issue is NOT fixed, just use one of the teleporters. Download here. Also remember, I'm an amateur forger.
Well, you definitely need to upload them to an image hosting site before you embed them. PM me in about 10 minutes if you need help
Hey hopefully this helps you with attaching pictures ForgeHub Halo Forums - FAQ: Reading and Posting Messages
One of your pics is working, but the other one is still broken. But based on the first pic, it looks open. Any vehicles on the map, it would explain the lack of covering structures.
It's probably open because it may have vehicles. If it does, it to allow room for the vehicles to move.
Yea, there's three Mongooses. The barrels are supposed to sort of cut the roads off, sort of resembling a last-ditch effort for order. That and they're fun to knock over. But hey, if anyone wants to help me out with improving this or, teach me techniques in-game, add me; ZeeAk.
It acutally looks fun for snipers and br's witht eh long lines of sight. One thing would be to add more structure and scenery to add a very urban feel.
Good first start but if you dont want people breathing down your neck about interlocking just move this to the lazy mapmakers section. I couldn't tell from the pictures if you used the front part of foundry or the whole thing. it might be good to make it a bit bigger for more vehicle use and to add a division if there are two teams so you cant just shoot away right when you spawn
Wheres all the buildings ? or the scarab and garage? All I can see so far that resembles turf is the brute shot spawn every thing else looks alien to turf. I'm sure in some time and a few more pics this map will be better. Try making a version 2 and include forge 101 techniques like interlocking and your sure to get more downloads. It looks ok for a map with out interlocking though.
maybe if you want it to feel more urban you could make a highway that passes overhead. Its not hard and it could have some pillars that come down in several places
"Everyone on B.net has been asking for a city/urban map, so I tried." From your ONE picture it looks like epic fail. Maybe put some more pics or description would open up the chance for maybe making this good