i have some Qs about good interlocking Q1: how do i merge a 3rd box to make a narrow, crouch-only tunnel, how do i make it the right hight? Q2: hjow do i merge a wall on its side to be even with the top of a double box to make a smooth path? Q3:anyone want to help me amake some team slayer/FFA maps?
for the first one i think you should be able to barace the box push it down with doors to the hieght as a short barrier and then interlock as normal
I'm pretty good at basic interlocking, but am somewhat confused. How do people perfectly interlock on a small like 45 degree angle in the air? It seems so impossible to interlock that well, I can interlock fine, but not PERFECTLY.
I used to wonder the same thing. What people do to achieve what you described is grab the object and place it exactly where they want it to be, even if it's in the air. Then without letting go, they save the changes to the map, and end the game. When they return to the map, the object is where they had it when they were holding it. I assume you use the stacking method to float objects, which is good though, because it allows you to measure if you want other objects at the same height. The technique I described is good for complicated, floating positions.
For a Crouch tunnel, put two doors on their sides, on top of each other, that is crouch-height. To make a door merge into a box and be the same height, you probably need to make the box go up a little, either by floating or interlocking another box to go over it. Not quite sure what you wanted there.