This is the first of my many to come montages. I've got my capture card and editing software up so expect montages and shorts from Halo and Various other games. Feed back is well appreciated. Tell me what you think. [Nzxer]
Yeah, I kind of want to know that software too... And excuse me if I sound like a n00b, but what is a kiwi? I know the fruit, but the way you worded it made me think it was a clan or something
Here's a hint. Watch the credits. And Kiwi is Slang for someone from New Zealand. Cause they grow the worlds best Kiwifruit here and also that little ugly flightless bird that looks like a big kiwifruit.
lol the term New Zealander = kiwi has absolutely nothing to do with kiwifruit :'D its because of the flightless bird called a kiwi, which is native to New Zealand. By the way the video was ok.. there was nothing absolutely incredible that jumped out at me.. I have done plays just like SOME of those. the noscopes and multis mainly, but i dont really bother saving them or thinking about making a montage. I sound like a ****, its actually a nice montage, well put together and has some nice stuff in there. you just need a little more spice in the mix
wow, epic film, watched all the way through...two questions was that all you? and how long did it take you to get all those shots?
its was alright, didn't see any noticeable editing, really slow paced, felt like the montage just draged on, no syncing with the music made it pretty dull, and a good 60% of the clips were nothing close to amazing. 4/10 Ive seen better.
Haha, thanks man. Final Cut Pro. Expensive stuff. A wah? Thank you sir. Yeah all gameplay was me, but on separate accounts. The stuff is actually from the start of Halo until now. I have some new-ish and old-ish stuff in there. Thanks for the comment. Well thanks, i didn't expect this much positive feedback. Most likely the slow pace was because of the song, its easy going and i'm not really into those intense hardcore screaming montages. Thats what everyone does. As for editing syncing the music was a challenge but i did it here and there. I didn't want to go into that screen moving editing where a person zooms up on the screen or shakes around the shot. Iounno not my thing. But yeah, thats my gameplay and not all of it has to be amazing. Its my montage. Thanks for the review.
I would have to agree with Penguinish. The music was off with the content. And I really dont like it when you would show a no-scopeor a stick and then still framed it to somewhat glorify it, just seemed rather,"Ok can we move along now?" So far the best is Lord Mongoose to me because of the great editing and mongoose stunts.
Meh, it was a decent montage, but it could've been way better. The editing was rather mediocre, clip-to-clip. There was some good gameplay, and you had your moments of 'why the hell is this in a montage?' The quality was rather bad, but that's Youtube for 'ya. Other than that, it was a decen 'tage. 5/10.
Hmm thanks. But i have to disagree with the mediocore editing. Its cut decently clips don't drag on, and it smooth. Just because i don't add in special effects doesn't mean its bad. My shots consisted of replays, with smooth transitions and very well done credits. And for some reason YouTube destroys my quality..the High Quality option makes it increadibly significant.
I will look at the high quality version as soon as possible. Now, I didn't say it was bad, per say, but it could've been better. Now, the credits I admit were really good, but the lack of special effects wasn't too pleasing. However, the replays from 3rd person were pretty good.
Ehh, but i don't find the special effects very intriguing. Plus i'm kinda unfamiliar with the software. I'm trying to get the hang of it. Thanks for the input though.