Spartan Warrior

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by itsmyyard, Jan 12, 2008.

  1. itsmyyard

    itsmyyard Ancient
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    Spartan Warrior, the ultimate obstacle course is searching high and low in the halo universe to find the special kind of soldier which can be deemed worthy to be called a spartan warrior. These men must have the agility of a cat, the driving skills of a jedi, and and the aim of a robot if they have any desire of chasing the ultimate goal.

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    This mod is based on the very popular show, Ninja Warrior, and Viking, 2 very difficult obstacle courses in Japan, which very few have completed, despite thousands of attempts. The maps with these mods follow a similar theme, whilst they increase in difficulty (1st being easy, 4th being rediculously difficult) they are all possible, and add time limits to the mix, it makes things even harder! On any of the maps, the objective is to grab all the "terror"tory markers within the time limit, and without making any mistakes, which can be anything from falling off the course, getting killed, falling off the mongoose, etc. Each stage tries to deal with one particular skill.
    Stage 1: Uses a combination of jumping and mongoose timing.
    Stage 2: Uses mongoose throughout, but with a timelimit and some tricky obstacles to overcome.
    Stage 3: Showcases a players overall technique with the mongoose.
    Stage 4: Showcases the mongoose in the first half, and grit determination at the end to see if anyone can reach the top within the strict 60 second time limit!

    I have also taken it upon myself to make a webshow on it. This is unlike any other machinima show ive seen, as this is literally a gameshow inside a video game, and im looking for some victims.... I mean players to take part, and will be showcased on the future episodes. Not only that, but if anyone is able to complete all 4 stages, in ONE consecutive go (like ninja warrior) then a prize will be given. Nothing too big mind you, but none the less, something for people to strive towards.

    And now to talk about the Stages themselves...

    Stage 1
    8 Obstacles
    1: Giant Steps - Jump up and over to reach the mancannon, but dont forget to land in the target zone!
    2: Stepping Stones - 2 Grav lifts take you to the ledge, and then you must jump on the boxes to reach the next obstacle, if you fail this, you suck at life!
    3: Jump Hang - 1 single grav lift is placed in the middle of the river for you to jump onto, to reach the other side. You may use the ledge below before you jump if you find it easier.
    4: Skyscrapers - High in the air are the skyscraper poles, which you must jump onto to reach the other side and to take 5th obstacle. Dont look down!
    5: Matchsticks - They maybe low on the ground, but they are still hard, 1 wrong move and its game over. Dont forget to pick up the grav lift!
    6: Warped Wall - Using the grav lift you picked up, you must lay it so you can cross the river and reach the platform. The grav lift can be placed in the water, or on the rock, but touching the floor still counts as game over!
    7: Pole Vault - Jump onto the pole and use its momentum to fling yourself into the fun house!
    8: Fun House - Its nearly over, just get through all the rubble and then over to the mancannon to reach the teleporter and youve done it!
    Stage 1 has a time limit of 120 Seconds. If you can do that, then you can advance to stage 2!

    Stage 2
    7 Obstacles
    1: Skate Ramp - After boarding the mongoose, and gone round the 3 tight bends, you must tackle the skate ramp. Take too long and the ramp will fall down! Drive the mongoose up the stairs to reach your next obstacle!
    2: The Pit - Some may call it a black hole, but regardless, if you fall here its game over! Negotiate past it to hit the fastest bit of the course.
    3: Right Angled - Forklifts make it harder but its still the easiest bit of the course, but can waste valuable seconds. The next bit isnt easy though!
    4: Wobbly Bridge - Some call it the impossible obstacle, but it can be done. Cross the bridge and reach the platform without falling off to continue. Note: The higher pavement is the path once you cross the bridge, not the lower part of it, thats seperated by a kerb. Also landing into the wheel counts as gameover.
    5: Seesaw Bridge - Not to hard, but it can slow you down and may even tip you over! Now head up the stairs to reach the drawbridge!
    6: Drawbridge - Time to get off your mongoose now and blow up the drawbridge to cause it to fall down, then get back on the mongoose for the final obstacle.
    7: Super Jump - 1 Leap seperates you from stage 3 or pending doom, what will it be?

    Stage 2 has a time limit of 105 Seconds, although it can be done in under 90 (which is why the custom powerup is there) Complete stage 2 and its off to stage 3!

    Stage 3
    7 Obstacles

    1: Devils Step Only 1 step to reach the platform, its insane!
    2: Suspension Bridge Pallets seperate you from impending doom, try and reach the platform and head inside to domino alley!
    3: Domino Alley While you wont fall off here, knock any lockers down and its game over!
    4: Mini-Bridge Wobbly Bridge is back, yet in smaller form. Reach the grav lift and survive the landing without falling off to continue!
    5: Wobbly Path Useless clutter blocks your way, try not to fall off here!
    6: Bowling Alley Oh, theres some barrels in the way, better charge at them to get past!
    7: Final Leap 2 Grav Lifts seperate you from the platform high above, and with only a small gap to get into, will you get the mongoose inside?

    There is no time limit on stage 3. The Mongoose must be used in its entirety. Touch the ground or flip the mongoose over and fall off, and its game over and back to stage 1. If you complete it, its to the final Stage!

    Stage 4
    No one really knows what stage 4 has in store for them, only that its on sandtrap and theres a time limit of 60 seconds. If anyone officially gets to stage 4, the map will be put up on fileshare.

    You can watch the third episode of spartan warrior here...

    Feedback/Comments are greatly appreciated.
  2. eternity94

    eternity94 Ancient
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    wait im confused, do you like host the show or something but let people dl it because of ?????
  3. itsmyyard

    itsmyyard Ancient
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    The maps are on fileshare so people can practice the stages. I host the show and give people 1 attempt to try and beat the courses, with me watching them to make sure theres no cheating, if they fail they can try again but only in a future episode.
  4. suicidal

    suicidal Ancient
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    Great concept, I'd never would have thought of it!
  5. Maxwell360

    Maxwell360 Ancient
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    Nice! I have been looking for a nice obstacle course :squirrel_hug:
  6. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    omg i love ninja warrior, good idea yo...btw the ending is when they have to climb 50 feet i think in 10 seconds :squirrel_wtf: i saw 2 guys fail and 1 guy make it once...not sure how u would do it in halo, maybe little ledges and u have to do quick grenade jumps or somethin idk
  7. itsmyyard

    itsmyyard Ancient
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    Stage 4 is made, and has a combination of both the mongoose and jumping, and yes the end bit does feature a climb to the top of the pillars on the sandtrap.
  8. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    lol nice...i love the show...why dont u try American Gladiator too?
  9. itsmyyard

    itsmyyard Ancient
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    I havnt seen the new american gladiators, since I live in the UK, but we did have it years ago, though I am planning on a team based gameshow on halo 3 as well, though alot of kinks need to be sorted
  10. SykoOne

    SykoOne Ancient
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    really cool idea.
  11. itsmyyard

    itsmyyard Ancient
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    Thanks, the courses of stage 1 and 2 have been slightly altered for future tournaments, but the next one (tournament 4) which starts tomorrow uses these courses. If you like to take part, put your gamertag in the comments for episode 3 video on gametrailers or youtube.
  12. Orangeremi

    Orangeremi Ancient
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    I got mine up on youtube.. I'll download these to get some practice in.. If anyone wants to practice with me, please do. The last guy on ep 3 did great!! He skipped a matchstick.. good strategy.. gotta try it.. & I Love your voice!! Your wisecracks are hilarious too!! :squirrel_hug:
  13. Cr0ok3d

    Cr0ok3d Ancient
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    Very creative, I like it. I might sign up for it myself.
  14. xxBRYTExx

    xxBRYTExx Ancient
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    you should try and work with the guilders in hosting these. it would pry make it easier. and it would be more organized
  15. itsmyyard

    itsmyyard Ancient
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    Well it would help since im doing everything by myself, from supervising to filming, but sometimes its best if I did it by myself, as I know theres no cheating with gravity etc going on. Maybe when I get to like 100 people doing a tournament then yea help would ne nice. But either way I would still need the helpers to actually send me the match files so it could prove difficult.
  16. Cr0ok3d

    Cr0ok3d Ancient
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    Did you do it today?
  17. itsmyyard

    itsmyyard Ancient
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    Ive done about half today, so theres still plenty of space for people to take part.
  18. Cr0ok3d

    Cr0ok3d Ancient
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    I would like to do it sometime, I already posted on the youtube video. I could do it right now if possible.
  19. itsmyyard

    itsmyyard Ancient
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    I'll be doing attempts over the next few days so people who wanted to do it dont miss out. Theres still spaces left anyway
  20. Blazen Nite

    Blazen Nite Ancient
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    the youtube video for this is extremely hilarious. everyone should check it out

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