This map was originally placed in the "For Show" maps, but is now here because its also set up for intense combat! As seen in the Bungie Forums!! Download Here ----->The Warehouse V2.0 Version 1 reached over 2000!! Lets start with the main view of the map (Most important!) Anderoo16 and Commit2memory51 are back for yet another hit on the Forums. Introducing the new and improved The Warehouse V 2.0, which has been completly rebuilt, not only to catch the eye, but to offer top-notch Gameplay. This map expands the previous Warehouse, into something almost undescribable! Warning: This map was made by Anderoo16 and Commit2memory, please don't steal it and/or claim it as stolen! Thanks again, read below for full description! Normal Description This one of a kind Halo 3 Warehouse is completly life like, and made of all Walls. Enter a new world as your expierence combat in this life like Warehouse. Go up and down stairs, enter through one of the three entrances, climb on the loft to BR some passers, enjoy the view of an upstairs "Bay window/Deck/Sniper Area/Beautiful View" , Go to the two houses on the opposing side for equal gameplay, go to the top stories of the houses to find active camo to sneak into the bloody Warehouse, AND SO MUCH MORE!! Expierence it all!! Pictures! Differences from Version 1 -----> The Warehouse V 1.0 The entire first Warehouse was torn down by many controversies, and than rebuilt to perfection. Every wall is perfectly place and staight, along with all other objects within the Warehouse! To give a better explanation, I will list the new and changed things using a list! -Entire new attacking base, 2 houses fully equipt with the essentials to take down the warehouse -A total of 3 entrances into the Warehouse, Two in the Front, and one on the side (upper story) -Corner walls on the bottom story, instead of slanted single walls -New weapon placement -Duel Staircase -Loft with BR's -Different fence layout -Different upstairs and downstairs floor layout -New upstairs porch, for sniping and/or the BEAUTIFUL view of the opposing base! -New wall dividing the other half of Foundry -New techniques brougt up by Forge Hub and Killian Forgers -ALL OUT NEW AMAZING GAMEPLAY ( no choke points, un-used area, or uneven weapon and cover placement!) As you can see much thought and work was put into this map, and we both are sure some of you will still find ways to critique it, PLEASE DO, it really helps to hear what you have to say, and there is always room for a possible V 3.0 if requested? Hope you all enjoyed, and many thanks too -Killian Forgers -Forge Hub -Cgrim54 -All downloaders of V 1.0 -All input and suggestions sent to us (I used the wall trick stated in the Forge Discussion posted by myself, check it out, its very useful!!)
Re: The Warehouse Version 2.0 I must say this map is the best house map i have seen it would make a good infection map as well reminds me of the map on gears
Re: The Warehouse Version 2.0 Most of your object placement is really good (especially the upstairs deck, props for placing those window panels so nicely), but the one thing I would recommend is using the Interlocking Objects Tutorial to interlock the bridges on the roof. Judging from your item placement, you're probably as annoyed by air gaps you can't get rid of as much as I am--this will allow you to fix it and sleep peacefully at night (stupid OCD tendencies). I've only spent time checking out the map in Forge so far, but my one concern is the lack of cover heading from the "houses" into the warehouse itself. I realize there are two stealth camos available (with 30s respawn each) to help alleviate that, but there's no way to get to the second level and get it without grenade jumping. It is also possible to get outside of your intended play area by grenade/trip mine jumping onto the double boxes. From the top of the double boxes, it is also easy to grenade/trip mine jump over to the roof of the warehouse. It's pretty tough to do and probably not worth it during the heat of battle, but I just wanted to let you know. Very good map overall, thanks for posting it man.
Re: The Warehouse Version 2.0 Thanks!! There are two active camos on the top floor of the houses, which can be reached by the grav lifts, which are on the main floors of the houses, and there are two of them! Also there are hidden weapons on top of the house which can also be reached by the grav lifts, so there you have it! Thanks Again!
Re: The Warehouse Version 2.0 Yeah, I noticed the grav lifts when I was showing my buddy the map. I didn't check the respawn on them, but I still feel like the players spawning at the houses would suffer a little from their lack of cover. Was there a reason you included the double wall on the second level of the warehouse between the two stairways? It seems that the players in the warehouse have the advantage of cover, and that only exacerbates it.
Re: The Warehouse Version 2.0 You know, it was tough, all the debates on where things should go got to our heads. That went there mainly because when people come into the warehouse the get some cover, mainly from the people BR'ing. Now, you also say there is not much cover on the way in, then if so, they can choose to, 'camp' and the got plenty of weapons to take them out, or if not, they respawn in the warehouse, then the battle is reverse. I see you point over all, but It just 'looks' that when. We had a couple of huge slayer and infection battles running on this map, and I gotta say it went better than planned. It was very even, and not much camping went on. Hope this will help explain everything.
This map is a great design and appears to have been worked on for a while. Interlocking the rooftop might be nice though, however the Warehouse is one of the better structures I've seen in my day. Looks great for an Infection or Zombies game. Nice work.
This is an superior map. The way everything was mostly seemless, It blows me away. Thank you. However, after looking through the map, I was struck my the lack of weapons. There are a few here and there, but it took me about 5 minutes to find a battle rifle. I recommend adding more weapon spawns, and perhaps moving the flamethrower spawn point. But the geometry is still excellent.
We were strongly trying not to overload the map with power weapons to make a longer more even battle. There are many BR's btw, there are around 4 or 5, located on both sides. Just both are high off the groung (On the loft and upstairs in the houses) Nice to know that you like the rest!