
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Nobody Worthy, Jun 23, 2008.

  1. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
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    I bring you Outlaw. (click to download) Outlaw is a small map and is suited for 1v1's, 2v2's, or FFA's with 6 players. It took me about all together 5 hours to make, test, and finalize it. Outlaw is my very first small map that I actually took time to plan out and I think I did an ok job with this one. Now I'll go on and show off the map with: A) A Slideshow of 25 pics, B) weapon/equipment info, and C) How the testing went.

    A) The Slideshow
    Yay pics!
    Here's the slideshow.

    Overview Screenshots:





    Action Screenshots:






    B)The weapons/equipment info
    Lets face it, just about every map has them.
    Unlike the slideshow section, this'll be a bit longer and have a bunch of info of what's on the map (that you can use to kill people) First off are the weapons:
    Battle Rifle: On map - 10 Respawn time - 45 Spare Clips - 2
    Covenant Carbine: On map - 4 Respawn time - 45 Spare Clips - 2
    SMG: On map - 4 Respawn time - 30 Spare Clips - 2
    Spikers: On map - 4 Respawn time - 30 Spare Clips - 2
    Magnums: On map - 2 Respawn time - 30 Spare Clips - 2
    Plasma Rifle: On map - 2 Respawn time - 30 Spare Clips - 2
    Needler: On map - 2 Respawn time - 60 Spare Clips - 1
    Brute Shot: On map - 1 Respawn time - 90 Spare Clips - 1
    Mauler: On map - 1 Respawn time - 90 Spare Clips - 1
    Now for the equipment:
    Frag Grenade: On map - 6 Respawn time - 20
    Plasma Grenade: On map - 6 Respawn time - 20
    Regenerator: On map - 2 Respawn time - 60

    C)How the testing went
    The last long boring part as they say...
    In simple, Outlaw is small and like I said, it's best suited for 1v1's, 2v2's, or FFA with 6 players. As far as slayer goes, it seems the top middle room was a good place to camp... until the other team spammed grenades into it and rushed at us with their BR's. (it didn't end so good for us) After we realized we couldn't camp there all that well we just stuck together and moved around the map, killing, picking up weapons, etc. (We won 50 - 35) When it came to our 1 flag CTF game, we all had a better feel for the map. All I really have to say about 1 flag CTF on that map is make sure you defend the flag, because once they have it more than half way (which isn't far) then it's basically theirs. I'm sure if you play it though, you can adjust the game settings to make it flow better with the map. (Tie game 2 - 2) The next thing we did was Neutral Bomb. It first seemed like my team was going to win this for sure. (We scored first and fast) ...But after that we just couldn't seem to get the bomb back/disarmed from them... The thing about that though, is the respawn time was not good for the size of the map and the disarming time was too long. (They won 3 - 1) Territories was the last thing we did (like always). And like always it was lame. (Territories + Small Map = Don't Try) The only two parts that are worth noting was in our second attacking round were we got our 5th territory in sudden death (Almost didn't get it) and the time when I jumped into the top middle room and threw down my regenerator when RHEredburnz threw down his a split second earlier. (We won 5 - 1) After the 2v2 testing, Raven, another friend that wasn't in the 2v2 testing, and I did bunch of 1 weapons FFA. (Rockets, Snipers, Lasers, Swords, we also did a FFA SWAT were I worked them ~got an Overkill on two people =D) But the laser battle was the most crazy one I think. If you ever get 6 people on this map that's a thing you'll want to try out for sure.

    I made an MLG version like I said I might have. Here's the link to it
    I did however make a few changes to the actual map though, and in doing so I took screenshots of what was changed. (NOTE: The changes are only in the MLG version of this map, the normal Outlaw is still the same)

    Screenshot changes:





    Well, that's all I have for this map, I hope you enjoy it.
    #1 Nobody Worthy, Jun 23, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2008
  2. Dodfrontlines11

    Dodfrontlines11 Ancient

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    ok well i see that you put time into this but may i suggest embedding your pics so that ppl dont have to click on the link to view them if you need help just ask.
  3. Naptiva

    Naptiva Ancient
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    Welcome to Forgehub.

    While your post does technically meet the standards, I would suggest embedding your pictures instead of having some sort of slide show. Most people refuse to click an extra link.
  4. Oakly HiDef

    Oakly HiDef RivalMass
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    I like your descriptions and the slideshow. thats the first time ive seen that and there were a lot of action shots. However an overview shot or drawing would help with the weapons shown as this is very important in 2v2. by the way they dont make many 2v2 often and i would like to know what you did for this specific gametype
  5. LucSkywalker16

    LucSkywalker16 Ancient
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    Please embed your pics because there will be some retard that comes along and be like "The pic is too small!!!! why do you have just one pic!?!!?!?" I like the action shots and all but you should include some more standard shots so people can get a better idea of the map
  6. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
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    I added a few from the slideshow. (I hope they pop up) But the slideshow has 25 pics. As for the gametypes, we did default of everything. But if we'd do it again I'd make the respawn time for any objective game shorter and have in all the game types BR starts. (That's about it)
  7. garsykat19

    garsykat19 Ancient
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    check this out, It'll help you embed your pics and make your post neater.

    BTW, nice map
    #7 garsykat19, Jun 23, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2008
  8. Randle Scandal

    Randle Scandal Ancient
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    Wow, just wow, there are at least 5 different people telling him the same thing. Let one person say it and that's it... Onto your map, looks good. I think I'll try it out when I get home, good luck and Happy forging!
    ~Randle $candal
  9. wiggums

    wiggums Guest

    well, it looks like a great, well thought out map.
  10. Oakly HiDef

    Oakly HiDef RivalMass
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    But who is right !?...
  11. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
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    Oh, and next time I'm on Halo 3 I'll take standard shots. As for the drawing of the map, I'm not sure if I could pull that off. (But I'll try)
  12. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
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    Yeah, the whole drawing an outline of the map isn't working out for me... =[ (sorry)
  13. sexy dude

    sexy dude Ancient
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    i like the map it is well cool
  14. AItius

    AItius Ancient
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    nice map, but its hard to get a feel for it without an overview or foundry designer template
  15. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
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    foundry designer template

    What's that? (Sorry for the newb question~ I'm new here)
  16. Pennywiez

    Pennywiez Ancient
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    it looks like a great swat map
    but just a tip: nobody wants to read a paragraph that long about testing
  17. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
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    ^- That's why I threw in the "long and boring part". ;D

    ~I did it just in case anyone felt like it.
  18. Naptiva

    Naptiva Ancient
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    Some people don't read all the posts by other users. They look at the original and post from there.
  19. Th3Bl4ckKn1ght

    Th3Bl4ckKn1ght Ancient
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    Map looks good. Looks like you know how to interlock and what not. Good job over all.
  20. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
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    It was the second map that I've used interlocking in.

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