
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Arvas, Jun 23, 2008.


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  1. Arvas

    Arvas Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Holdout is a two-team one-sided objective map, built for the game types: Assault, Territories, Capture the Flag, And V.I.P. It came to me in a spontaneous retarded thought from my good friend x Blk Camyo x, we were messing around in forge and Camyo said he thought it would be cool if there was a Castle Wars map in Halo. For those of you who don’t know what Castle Wars is, it’s a mini game in Runescape where two teams try to go and capture the other flag from the other castle. Well I said whatever and started forging, and as I went on forging I noticed I wasn’t going to have enough walls to make a second base, so I started morphing Camyo’s Idea, until Holdout was produced. The cool thing about Holdout is that, well, let’s be honest, how many people do you get in a party with say, “Hey! Let’s go play territories!” I’m guessing not many, right? Even though the map was originally based for CTF, I really started to make it a territories map because I think territories is a highly underplayed game type. Now, let’s finally get to the map.

    This is the best overview I could get sorry, [​IMG]

    The basic Idea Is the attacking team spawns in a pretty crappy base, and has to take over the ‘Nice Base’, the defenders’ base. The Attacking team starts with two Warthogs (not Guass), one Sniper Rifle, one Shotgun, one Battle Rifle, and one Machine Gun Turret placed atop their base. This may not seem fair but it will make more sense in a minute.


    And the Defenders of course start in the amazing base. It’s really more like a miniature mansion (oxymoron). But the fatal flaw with the ‘mansion’ is that the attackers can sneak in three ways from the ground floor, making it very hard for the defenders to, well defend. The defending team will have to get tactical to keep the attackers out.


    The building has six rooms, each one is a territory. The entrance, where the stairs are located (leading upstairs, duh) is shaped like a hallway, I’ve nicknamed it the Stair Room. Nothing spawns in this room however.


    But if you take a left you end up in the storage facility, nothing much but there’s an opening in the back corner where the attacking team can get through, a few things spawn in this room,


    Assault Rifle [1] (more of ammo really)
    Battle Rifle [1]
    Shotgun [1]
    Magnum [1]

    Moving on, across the hallway is the medical bay where attackers can crouch jump through the windows, once again not very important but this is where all defense items spawn,


    Plasma Pistol [3]
    Regenerator [3]
    Bubble Shield [2]

    That’s all that is downstairs, now to upstairs, when you first walk up the stairs, you end up in the ‘Kitchen’. You should be able to make a crudely made fridge and a few counters. This is where…


    Trip Mine [2]
    Power Drainer [1]
    Radar Jammer [1]

    On the Left side of the upstairs is the Sniper Room, in this room there isn’t really anything except a window to snipe out of and a few weapons.


    Sniper Rifle [1]
    Battle Rifle [1]
    Beam Rifle [1]

    And the last territory, “Sergeant’s Room” This room is the most crucial. Not so much in territories, but in all other game types (with the exception of VIP) this room is the important room. It’s not much to look at, a bed, a counter, a pallet, oh and


    Flamethrower [1]
    Magnum [1]
    Deployable Cover [1]

    So now that’s the Defender’s base. On to the center of map, the center of the map is pretty barren, a truck, a few barriers, and a few pallets, but wait, what’s that? Could It be a… cave? It is! This is where the sword spawns and also a neat little spot to launch attack the cave has an entrance near to each main base making it a perfect spot to sneak through to the other base, that is, if the snipers don’t getcha first.




    Now for a little talk in tactics, from what I’ve seen as I’ve tested this map, usually there’s one guy who sits in the Sniper Room of the Defender Base and spawn camps, one thing you can do to Nuetralize this ‘threat’ is have one sniper at the Attacker’s base hide with the sniper and have another guy run out and distract the sniper while he’s firing aimlessly with the AR the sniper back at the attacker’s base can, well, snipe the sniper. Also use your equipment carefully, for example the Deployable cover in Sarge’s Room can be used to keep the attacker’s out of a room for a short few seconds giving your team time to set up defenses.


    So that’s pretty much my map, oh one last thing I hide an easter egg within the map somewhere, first one to find it and take a picture of it gets a +rep (forgehub.com only). Sorry had to do it, but I am serous there is an easter egg within the map. Quick note: I know It’s not very hard to escape the map, but if your party is having fun they shouldn’t but if you ever finf yourself stuck out of the map there’s a teleporter in the center of the Hallway that leads back to the center of the field, so… go have fun!



    Special Thanks to,

    iBlazZze – For making me laugh. And for helping with the sword tunnel
    x Blk Camyo x – For Inspiring Me to make this map.
    ShikazePrime – For inspiring Sarge’s Room

    And All my testers:

    Final Edition testers (Territories):

    Bueller10 (message form Bueller10 “I <3 Bueller10”)
    iTz Didrik
    Lord Of Pizza
    Dustin Richard
    Magical Walrus

    Original Design Testers (V.I.P. and Territories):

    Nv OfFeNdEr
    x Blk Camyo x
    Elder Taragan

    Action Shots:

    Owned! Lesson: watch your flank

    Walls, cover?! Heh!?

    Camping, are we?

    Darn Turret!

    Haha! Try and get me now Turret!

    Original Bungie Forum-Post
    #1 Arvas, Jun 23, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2008
  2. TehOne

    TehOne Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The inside of the bases look good, but the outsides look a little sloppy. There isn't much cover in the middle between the 2 bases and I don't see any interlocking. 3/5
  3. Arvas

    Arvas Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The entire base is done with interlocking and the center is bare because
    1. I didn't have enough money
    2. It kind of works out anyway

    And its obvious from how fast you posted and what you said you didn't read my disortation, at least skim it please. It provides why the map is the way it is.

    P.S. I know some of the Images don't work Im trying to fix them now...
    #3 Arvas, Jun 23, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2008
  4. sexy dude

    sexy dude Ancient
    Senior Member

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    nice map it looks well thought throw it looks cool do the flags respawn all in different places cause if do that is good so they can't ceap on getting the flag after capturing it well done 4/4
  5. Arvas

    Arvas Ancient
    Senior Member

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    No those pictures are of territories. not of CTF.
  6. Oakly HiDef

    Oakly HiDef RivalMass
    Senior Member

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    cool map, a little open in the middle but who cares. I guess the outside is supposed to be vehicle controlled which will make for challenging CTF.

    -same name as my Infection map i am working on. I will change it to Holdout [zm]
  7. Dodfrontlines11

    Dodfrontlines11 Ancient

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    nice map good layout bases look a little sloppy but otherwise nice job and btw your last pic isnt working the one about the turret cant get me
  8. Arvas

    Arvas Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Oh I'm sorry if I stole your map name man... I just called it holdout because the defender's are supposed to "Holdout" in their base.
  9. Arvas

    Arvas Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ya... I've try to fix a few of the pics but it won't let me finalize the edit... also, the storage room pic is messed up, it's another pic of sarges room,
  10. Oakly HiDef

    Oakly HiDef RivalMass
    Senior Member

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    thats fine i guess you could have said i stole your name. mine is called holdout because there are three areas where you wait a certain amount of time before you can move on. no biggie
  11. Arvas

    Arvas Ancient
    Senior Member

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    btw Rival thats kind of how I set it up, to be vehicle controlled but only the attacking team ever seems to use the vehicle, and even then only to get to the other side of the map quicker.

    P.S. pics are fixed now, didn't know you could only have 20 pics per post i had 22, anyway its fixed now.
    #11 Arvas, Jun 23, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2008
  12. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I think its a little bland you could add something for cover in the middle court yard maby a fountain or a pillar. Overall 3/5
  13. Arvas

    Arvas Ancient
    Senior Member

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    once again, out of money, I dont like using the infinite budget glitch i dont know why...
  14. Oakly HiDef

    Oakly HiDef RivalMass
    Senior Member

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    has bungie announced anything about making it easier to merge and geomerge? Also it would be helpful to have more money and more simple objects such as boxes
    Arvas likes this.
  15. Naptiva

    Naptiva Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Overall construction looks good, but it seems a bit easy to be able to hold the base. Maybe that's just the way it looks.
  16. Arvas

    Arvas Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yea... if you read my post I said it may look easy to hold the base but the first 3 territories go in almost 1 minute and the rest of the game is spent trying to attack the upstairs.
  17. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    i've seen hundreds of these,
    the humans are in a small house thats 80% too protected and the zombie never wins
  18. Bacon Luvr

    Bacon Luvr Ancient
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    the map has a great game play and a really cool design
  19. LucSkywalker16

    LucSkywalker16 Ancient
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    Its territories not capture the flag...lol
  20. AItius

    AItius Ancient
    Senior Member

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    looks like a great map for territories, but it looks like there are way too many regens and bubble shields. those can be the two most overpowering equipments in the game

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