This is my first time posting so don't look badly on me please. Recommended Gametypes: On this map I recommend using slayer style games. It is'nt a big map so not for more than eight players either I mould say but besides that i very much enjoy the map. Map Layout: The map is relatively small map which starts you out in a variety of rooms that each has different weapons and gernades. Once you leave the room through the teleporter you have a possibility of entering rooms where an overshield lies or a room that holds a power drain, regenerator, bubble shield, or trip mine. After those rooms you enter into the main tower. At the bottom of the tower are the gravity hammer, rocket launcher, and spartan laser. From there you need up three flights of stairs to the top area. The battle area has two swords, flame gernades, and flame thrower. Pictures: This is the outside of the tower. (not the best looking) This is the top of the battle tower with the sword, gernades, and flamethrower shown. These are what the stairs look like up to the top. This is the bottom of the tower with the weapons shown. I do appologize for not having all rooms shown here. Map: Here is the map: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Any thoughts or comments would be very much appreciated, thank you
Im going to help you with your pictures! Goto, find your screen shots... right click and save them... and then upload them here and get the BBCode and post/emb them here using Code: Code: [img]<URL/BBCode OF IMAGE HERE>[/img] you can also post images using their URL location which you can find by right clicking on the image after you post on and going to properties, and copying the Location: But besides that welcome to ForgeHub.
yeah tower is a bland name. Also the weapons seem way too powerful for an indoors map of that size. They need to be spread out with equipment in different places. (maybe hidden) Try to pick a small set of weapons such as the magnum, smg, shotgun, mauler, and maybe sniper for some cool no scoping in the halls