RivalMass came up with an idea for a really cool map. Using lots of geomerging, boxes could be merged into eachother and the ground at weird angles to make a very rough ground. The cracks would be filled with shield doors as water, and would be like a canyon with this area acting as the center between the bases. The shield doors would also make for some awesome ambush spots for CTF and Assault. Please comment, as I think this sounds as a great idea.
alright well i just got back from dinner because her it is 8:30 already. We should come up with some good map ideas to go along with our map since what we just came up with is only the floor, albeit a very very nice one. Send your ideas. good intro above, but will people actually pick up on this
i did some fooling around on foundry designer and it looks like if we want to cover the middle of the map it would take up half of our double boxes and single boxes. This could be a problem if we are going to block off the back part of the map but we don't have to. Everyone closes it but we could use it. Also the cracks might be hard to make all diagonal and stuff so we might have to compromise on straigt lines which wont look bad but is not really what i want. Any way do you want this to be a casual map or more hardcore CTF/slayer
im not a fan of shield doors as water... they dont have the same principle physics as water. i know thats no biggie to you, but i dont like bullet resistant water. its also been so overdone that im tired of seeing it as well. thats just my opinion. by all means though, try your map out. maybe it'll actually be awesome. theres only one way to find out.
We will geomerge double boxes so they stick up a foot off the ground only. They will have cracks in between them to look as if the earth has been broken. Then we decided it might be cool to add some filling in the gaps. Shield doors would only be visible in the cracks and dont offer much protection at all they might just look better. Or we could put fences in the cracks which could be cool as well
I think it would be a good idea for it to be casual. It doesn't seem too hardcore, what with the randomness and all. I like to use the Grifball map as a default instead of having to block off all of the stuff myself.
yea you may run into the problem of running out of boxs which in my opinion is stupid and greatly limits what you can do but i do like the idea.
We dont have to block off the map but if we do it should definetly be with fence walls and boxes. Since most of our boxes and fences will be gone we will mostly have to use walls which isn't a problem but it might look a bit bland. To make it look better we could merge stuff to keep it interesting. i think we should use the money glitch though, because this is going to be expensive. -does anyone know where to find a money glitched map with the items OUTSIDE?
Yeah really, if the items were outside it would be so much easier. However, that would also limit some resources as you would'nt be able to use the last 2 boxes (except for if you had 1 in the middle). I agree with you about the boxes, lil. I see why they had to do it, but think of how much better forge would be if you had unlimited budget and items! Of course, there would be jerks who'd try to crash the system by piling weapons and crap on there. That's what makes me mad.