PLEASE POST SOME HELP WITH SCREENSHOTS Sniper Tag Sniper tag is an infection game where one zombie (Sniper) has a sniper and a battle rifle. The Sniper is at a higher elevation than the others. But, there are several places for the people to hide. Except every 10 seconds fusion coils fall on the hiding spots so the people have to keep moving from spot to spot. The zombie is invulnerable and the people are much weaker than default. Screenshots Hiding spots : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
Well, first get an account at photobucket or image shack. Then go to and go under pictures. Click on all your map pictures and save them. Then go to photbucket or image shack and upload them off your computer onto their website. Then go under gallery after all your pics are up and click on the
it seems the zombie could just go down and kick their booty with the br, especially since he's invulnerable. (just saying)
i like the idea i just hope u build onit like making more bigger hiding spots, something thats a real eyecatcher and i feel 10 seconds is a bit too short, but good idea hoping for a v2