Actually no - Most halo 2 players should know that plasma pistol almost > everything as its 1 hit fully charged = No more shields. But the problem is they nerfed that so much the plasma pistol doesn't get used half as much as it did - But I still <3 it. AS for the screenshot its kinda mediocre it has no special fx or anything to eye catching but thanks for bringing to attention the true power of the PP again <3
it was just something i did in a game wasnt trying for an epic or wierd looking shot i dont really like staging stuff i prefer it when **** just happens the only effects pic i ever did was a bubble block again not staged just happened
ye the plasma pistol rocks and could b very deadly if u can use it, but i feel atlest beatdown system should come in affect, unlesh the blue guy was a noob but well done
I like how the shotgun is in the screenshot, but I think you probably could have taken it at a different angle to get a better picture. Still, pretty good.
On halo 2 the plasma pistol was nicknames n00b combo as it locked on to people . But its harder to use on halo 3 soo good job if you were the plasma pistol holder XD Good job