Is this possible with open boxes? I have now done this successfully a few times with normal boxes, but I haven't been able to do it with open boxes. Is there anything different that I need to be doing? Edit: Problem solved.
i was doing some experiments with this today in foundry and it did worked for me with open boxes (havnt tried walls yet). it just doesnt always work the first time so just keep trying i guess, soon or later you get it right, its anoying sometimes and it takes lots of time, but i dont care about that aslong the result is goodlooking thanks for the awsome turtorial
i did tried the first method multiple times, even witht he double box stablizers and everytime it came out all crooked or off, is there something I should double check?
Instead of releasing the object, hold onto it until it is in position, then save and quit, start the game up again, and bam, it should be there.
Hey, I have a question. I am trying to do exactly what LIGHTS did in his guide on the front page. But, everytime I try it out, the box merges into the supports on some of the sides (I use bridges). Can anyone tell me how to make the box only go in one direction, instead of having it merge into the supports? EDIT: Never mind. I got it now. Just took a lot of time. lol.
Why is it in Foundry, after pushing a box down one 'level' with a door, and trying to do it again makes it spaz out and disappear through the floor for me? I'm trying to make something and it keeps doing it.
HEy, I am working on a santcuary themed map and am wondering if anyone could help me. I am stucj on a hard fuse glitch into the ground, at an angle. GT: ROUGESOURCEooo
Its useful but difficult to master. I find it difficult to do this technique difficult on maps which aren't Avalanche or Foundry.
It dosn't ever work for me, ever. 999/1000 trys it goes to the very bottom, or interlocks with the box thats supposed to be pushing it down, so I never get it where I want to. Im so sick and tired of trying to geomerge I'm just going to stop, it's very unaccurate and messy.
it just looks like that while your holding it. save and quite, then start it up again. delete the other stuff holding it and it should be there.