Hello ForgeHub! This is a starting gate for those of you who are too lazy to make one. It comes with lights and a spawn point so you don't have to fly to it. I'm sorry if it's too small, too big, or in a bad spot. Download Map Here Pictures
um....... this is cool and all........ but i don't think this is going to be needed in many cases. I mean most i have seen are in the air or in a different spot (i know you said bad spot but you know). um... just some advice..... hm, hmm *cough* yeah.
Well, yes, there is almost no need for it. But maybe beginning forgers could use it and learn how to make their own from it.
It is a good idea, but it should be in aesthetics, because it is not an actual map, but a canvas. However, you should have interlocked a custom powerup and camo to make it green, if you were going to bother making a canvas.
nice job man, maybe this can help some beginners on going, sad that you have builded it there in the corner though.
I need to make one of these, but this is in a bad spot for me. Hopefully others benifet from it, though.
I make race maps and starting gates dont have to be used i don't use them .. However my maps are easy to be cheated on . Good job anyway
Ya... most people make starting gates in the area that fit their track. Making a starting gate for anotehr person's track doesn't really work out.
im sorry to say that this is probably not going to be used very often. But all in all it was a good idea.