Should the US (or what ever county you're in) Legalize drugs? I was just seeing a movie about drugs and drug running (Blow with Jonny Depp) and that is when i had this idea. After I started writing this thread i though about Prohibition and how making alcohol illegal made the mafia rich and because drugs are illegal that makes drug cartels rich. here are the pros and cons to help you with your debate. (I know there is already a marjauina thread but this is about all drugs not just one) Pros- Taxs off the drugs, Governmental regulation, hurts drug cartels, Can help people with addictions by giving them help (if you can think of any other please add) Cons- Could cause more addictions, (if you can think of any other please add) I also have some threads about Dress codes? Boys and Girls only schools Corporal Punishment? Public, Private, Parochial or Home Schooling? Handing out condoms If you like my debates let me know!
There's already been more than one legalization of marijuana thread... But my feelings as far as the rest of the drugs go... I dont feel that hard drugs should be legalized. It could cause too many problems, and create more junkies. Take for example the methadone clinics meant to help heroin addicts ween themselves off heroin... methadone is just another form of heroin, just like all other drugs in the opiate family. It doesnt actually help anyone, it just switches their addiction from heroin to methadone. Other drugs, such as hallucinogens, should not be legalized either in my opinion. Too many complications, too much new legislation to be written. The whole thing would be a nightmare to work out, plus, even then, do we really want to drive our kids to school and worry about people "driving under the influence of LSD (or worse)" ... I mean, sure that is possible that you may run into that any day of the week, but the probability would be higher if things like this were legalized. I feel that the only drug that NEEDS to be legalized is marijuana, and thats not just because i smoke it. Legalizing marijuana alone, and taxing it, could easily alleviate a lot of the debt our government is in... and also provide more jobs. Not to mention the versatility of hemp as a resource for rope, paper, etc.
i feel... no, because if u dont take drugs u wont get adicted, and the less ppl would die, but not all drugs are bad, some are used in hospitals but r only avalible to them, drugs is a serious thing and many ppl are trying to help kids stay off them such as Talk to Frank. so inconclusion police should try harder to stop and get rid of drugs, because of the lifetime damage it can cause
A lot of painkillers and other drugs used in the medical world are derivatives of opiates and other narcotics. And yes, they are addictive.
Yeah not to sound weird but my mum hurt her back a few years back and they put her on a cocaine based drug - Boy you should'a seen her when they took her off it, Cold turkey is not a nice thing to witness. Also I think I agree that Marijuana could possibly be the only drug legalised as it hasn't got too many extremly bad long term effects other than slight memory issues and the fact like normal smoking leads to you stinking like a tramp and the worst bit is you come acustomed to the smell so you don't even know why you stink like shi*. Cocaine however isn't a nice drug either (Yes I have tryed it) It gave me one of the best buzz's I have ever had but something about it doesn't seem right - I didn't like the substance (Enjoyed the buzz not the substance) And therefore will never take it again. And for £40 for a gram you can get real id rather get a 1/4 of weed (but thats not the point) My uncle was a cocaine dealer for many years untill he started borrowing money from a very powerful man - I dare not say his name (he is bad ass). He had to leave the country after his wife was found beaten and house robbed so he now lives in another country torn apart from his family and friends which is why I hate cocain so much and think it leads to all things bad - Including burnt chicken.
painkillers are addictive, not that I would really know or anything, I'm just saying. Anyways your topic implies should we legalize all drugs, not only would this never happen but it wouldn't happen for all the right reasons, the world would be full of junkies wondering around the streets cracked out on anything they could get their hands on. besides getting high just wouldn't be as fun if you knew it was legal.
Yeah I looked up what goes in to making drugs like cocaine (not for malicious intent) and well here is some of the ingredients: Gasoline, kerosene, ammonia, Bleach, and lots of other nasty S***
Many people die not from the drugs but from dodgy drugs. Many drugs like ecstasy, speed, ice and amphetamines are made in dirty drug labs. People have taken the contaminated drugs, being poisoned and died. Legalizing drugs would allow the government to regulate which drigs are being produced and if they are being produced safely.
If drugs are to be legalized, they should be made by the government, sold by the government, and regulated by the government. Similar to guns, in my opinion. I think that if it is government regulated, they could regulate addicts better. Of course, I believe that some intensly addictive drugs that harm others along with yourself should never be sold, such as ciggarettes.
of course you coughed up a lung the first time, you're inhaling smoke. you get it used to it, and dont cough later on