lol.^ I want to emphasize that religion and science are incompatible. Not science and God. Feel free to believe and accept both.
Anyone interested in this debate might also like the film Contact. Go rent it. The two main characters are a scientist and a theologian. The scientist, Ellie, only believes in facts, and won't believe in God because there is no proof. The theologian, Palmer, explains that he had a very meaningful experience when he was young, and it convinced him that there was a God. Later in the film, Ellie explains her trip across the galaxy (of which there is no proof). The explanation is remarkably similar to how Palmer explained his spiritual experience: Other relevant quotes from the movie: I guess that the film makes a statement about religious beliefs. They are sometimes unprovable to other people, but they are undeniable to the person. They may as well be fact. And I guess that's the point of this thread. You can prove facts, but you can't prove personal beliefs which can sometimes be stronger than provable facts.
I gave the whole religion thing ago, I tried Christianity for a few months. Fail. I had already given up on christianity, and the last time I was at church they talked up all this propaganda about christianity sweeping through South Africa, and it all being happytown because of christianity. I was drinking on teh streets (im that ruthless) with My south african friend and we somehow got onto christianity in south africa, anyway, I found out it was all bullshit lol I dont mind christians though, they are actually really nice people. But I dont like the way christianity aims to go out and convert as many people as possible. at church they would tell everyone to bring as many non christian people to church as possible, and at when I was at whangamata for new years (already abandoned xtianity at the time) at the beach there was a tent (big one) giving out free hot chocolates and coffees to everyone, and when you got your drink and went and sat down a couple of them would come and give you this huge talk about christianity, trying to cram it down peoples throats. I just dont really like it.