a switch also inspired by THIS video the way it works is when you shoot the grav lift out another spawns and slowly pushes an unseen warthog and crate into your veiw through a window so you can drive =] Featured Here on Halo 3 Artificers Piczorz Overview of switch where the switch is How to activate it warthog behind wall other grav lift spawns hog drives itself perfectly up to the window jump through the window and drive!!! LINK TO THE MAP]Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
Epic. That's it. Epic. Haven't seen this one. It doesn't look like it can be used in any situation, but for situations like in the screenshot, this is epic.
i agree with kronos, this is kool with a capital........ K-O-O-L!! (but does not seem like it's practical...... oh and how would they get into the passenger/turret position?)
I beg to differ. I think it could be useful in a casual game. It looks like a good switch, but the touch sensative door is the best!
Wow very amazing lol you should make a mchinima with it lool be a superhero lol it would be cool cool sww3itch also!
this looks like freaking awesome for machinima or for a casual map. Nice switch invented. Can't wait untill you have discovered more things to do with that switch.
I think I have a use for the switch. If you make a one flag or bomb game, then give the defenders the switch, and put a wall between both teams nad keep the side farthest from both team open. Make them both spawn at the same side of foundry, like on the bottom left of wall and one on bottom right. Instead of puting a warthog, which could cause easy attacks, use a mongoose, and keep it on the defenders side, facing the defenders. Then if attackers manage to get to the switch, they could glitch throught the wall into the mongoose, get out, and have a faster route to the point. but you'd also have to put walls around the mongoose, to keep it from destruction
this does not look like a map to play a game on... but i can see a great machinima witha superhero shoting the switch then diving on the roof then jumping off at the window and into the car. that would be epic! so it is a nice map! but not that great for playing on in my opinion