EDIT:YOUTUBE VIDEO This is the newest, and final edition of the Drawbridge and this is by FAR the best. So it is a Push button-min/max-Drawbridge type of switch and when you push the button the fusion coil drops into a hole with 2 grav lifts with respawn time never and runtime minimum at 2 with place at start yes and they blow up and from under you 2 more grav lifts with place at start no, respawn rate 180 seconds, with runtime minimum at 2 and they push the dumsters out from under you so you can get to the other side. and also now you cannot just jump to the other side. 2800+ Downloads!! Pics- Overview of Drawbridge unnactive Overview of Drawbridge active Trying to jump it Failing to jump it Pushing the button (blows up grav lifts) Other 2 lifts spawn below Bridge flies out Runing across You can even drive over it DOWNLOAD HERE
It looks cool, but you use a lot of min/max switches, and they are really ineffecient space-wise. Other than that, great job!
sure any1 can use it and yes it is a min/max but i figured out how to make them resettable an example of a resettable min/max switch would be in my map:Mt. Kilamanjaro
Ooh, I forgot to mention, post that pressurized door here. It's sure to get lots of attention. I thought that that was very amazing
This is cool. I saw it over at h3artificers, it comes out kinda weird, but ti works just fine. I know this is all speshul and everything, but can you please change the topic name to whatever the map is named?
Dude pmp, how do you have only 10 posts on fh, but you joined in February. That just isn't right you artificer noob. JK
Wow very creative i love it! its like a gate thing but a bridge good idea? 5/5 on this only the idea! ahha
Thats not much of a draw bridge, more of a sliding bridge, I made one a while ago where it had fusion coils across the way and you shot those... I learned mine from a guy in Forge Masters about 3 months before this was posted on Legends of Forge... But its nice to see you are contributing it to the community...