Not the greatest name, but it works. This map is exactly as its title states. A hotel. What makes this one special is the amount of detail that not only goes into the hotel itself, but also the surrounding areas. I have made it so that the hotel is the main point of focus, but there are several other areas to explore including a servant's quarters and even a power facility powering the hotel itself. Inside the hotel, there are a total of 4 unique rooms, each with a weapon that makes the room special. As far as gametypes, any zombie gametype other than Fat Man is perfect. I have balanced the map for both zombies and humans as best I could. There are several hiding spots for the humans, as well as several points of entry into each of those hiding spots for the zombies. I have tested this thoroughly with friends of mine, and you should have a blast. Please download, rate and comment as you see fit. Thank you, and screenshots can be found below for a preview. You can check-in without even getting out of your car. An exterior view of the Hotel itself The hotel parking garage accommodates a number of vehicles. Going up? This bed is more deceptive than you think. The hotel should never run out of power thanks to its own personal power facility. There is something fishy about the servant’s quarters… This is my first post, but I have been downloading maps from forgehub for quite a while now, so I hope this meets standards. Download Radical Hotel Here ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
I 1/2 agree with Mango. It does look like the typical house map, but it is much bigger, and SOMEWHAT unique, what with the check-in, dive-thru. I thought that was kinda funny. Any way... Great map. A definate DL, but I'll post later on things that may need fixing. (I know many of you will say "WTF... He hasn't posted any maps! Why is he telling us how to fix our maps?! Well, although I may not have posted maps, that does not mean that: 1. I'm not working on a map, and just haven't told anybody. or 2. That I might just not want to post any of my maps.) K THNX BAI!
Try making something completly different from other maps already made. You could make a map around the house if you can't make anything up. Overall originality 1/5 thank you though for posting the map right.
Hey, i dont want to sound rude But giving this map a 1/5 just because its been done before is not right if you want to rate his mape do it on his forging skill, as seen in the review hub. just because he doesn't make a extreme map doesn't mean its bad.
the map itself is pretty good but the fact that there are so many zombie house maps out there the whole concept is getting pretty boring unless you make it REALLY cool
Wow very well made good job looks nice and clean nice use of shield doors.Nice place where uyou put the vehicles also! 4.5/5 for infection.
well good job for actully looking at some posts before you posted your now if the other people would do that seriously soo GJ the map is cool but ive seen many infection maps like this a house, mansion, hotel, whatever so ill do a reveiw on it Enjoyment: 8.5/10 infection is pretty fun so your always gonna have a good enjoyment on a house based infection map Aesthetics: 7.5/10 theres not many asetics other then some teleporters and scenery so yea but there overall house was great so thats why the aesthetics get a 7.5 your lucky Originality: 4/10 There atre alot of infectino maps ewith a base and a attackers spawn Overall score (Average of the above): 6.5/10 The map was good be nice if you do build a infection map to include something that isnt really origional mix it up a bit also im not a part of the reveiw hub i just like reviewing maps
Just played on the map. Great map, and I love the Servant's Quarters. Kinda weird, but I do, and I dont know why. Any way... I could not find many things wrong with the map, other than the fact that there is no interlocking... But HELL (WTH), what do I know? I'm just a UNSC Trainee, with NO experience what so ever.(OR AM I???) The world may never know. OK, OK, OK, Now back to the map... Where was I... Oh yeah... Interlocking. Not enough (if any at all). I would suggest at LEAST the power generator. Interlock the Wall and boxes, just enough to shrink it to GENERATOR size, not Room Size. But, yeah, other than that my friends and I love the map. Especially with my infection gametype. Great map.