i wasn't really double posting, i was answering this other guys question and after i answered it, i answered your question.
I'm not convinced it is the egg its self shooting but im not convinced about some kid modding halo 2 and knowing everything in the game mechanics - if thats true some people need to get out more but without nerds where would be in this world today . Also very interesting find Heed +rep just for bringing it to our attention
yeah, im not 100% sure if it's coming from the egg. It just looks like it. The beam traces back to the tower and it seems to come from the right side of the tower which is why I think its coming from the Easter Eggs.
old stuff is old, your about 8 months to late. The textured sphere, is a texture map left in by the programmers. The orange beams of light, are shot from the towers. Owell.
The orange beams where an alternative to the minefield from an earlier build of the map to keep you in the playspace. The eggs are just texture maps.
I always thought it was called the "Davinci Egg" or "Hex Egg" I thought they got translated and actually meant something... Something along the lines of how Bungie rules all