Sharks & Minos v2 Created by Spitfire288 Recomended players 3-16 players (works best with large parties) Supported Gametypes: Infection (Sharks & Minos gametype)<======This gametype is REQUIRED to make the game function, without it the map doesnt work! Map Description Sharks & Minos is based on an old Gym game that was played countless times during P.E. The rules are pretty simple, thier is one alpha Zombie (the shark), he/she Spawns next to a ghost. The humans spawn behind the shield doors at side A, at the begining 10 fusion coils spawn to prevent camping (SO DONT DO IT) you may be killed, if so u respawn in 2 seconds so dont worry. The Shark can go around and "eat" (splatter) the humans (Minos), the sharks may not shoot, only splatter. the Alpha Shark is invinceble and CANNOT leave his ghost, the "new" sharks are invinceble and only may leave their ghost if a Human is Cheating Eg. camping, betreying or trying to get out of the map (the map was made on a Griffball template, so its impossible) is the human manages to get somewere they cannot be splattered they may be warned, then shot by the Sharks (in all 27 test games this has NEVER happened). The humans must cross from one side of the map to the other, at A & B sides there are two deployable covers (45 sec respawn), two radar jammers (10 sec respawn) 4 bubble shields (IR respawn). In the middle of the map at 45 seconds in two flares spawn and at 180 seconds one power up spawns, on the side under the Alpha Shark spawn two trip mines spawn at 45 seconds. The Minos have to be creative with those objects or be the Sharks lunch. You may notice that there are only 8 ghosts (the Max on Foundry) and up to 15 sharks, when the first 8 zombies have been eaten and have ghosts the other sharks must go on foot and "eat" (beat down, NO SHOOTING) the minos. The sharks on foot may NOT enter the mino safe zone (shield doors, unless theres camping and fair warning is givin) _________________________________________________ Some pictures of the map Alpha shark spawn The Mino spawn The new shark spawn room, and launch mechanism Another shark room pic New shark room exit Side B Side A Shark launch overview In game pic, Shark launch __________________ _________________________________________________ And YES i know i spelled minos wrong (its minnows) it wouldnt fit on XBL Special thanks to Hunter288 and sticktrocity288, without them this map wouldnt excist, any Questions, comments or concerns just pm me or post PLEASE COMMENT Also special thanks to Zowabashi for helping me get my pictures up, thanks dude! Download Sharks & Minos v2 Download Sharks & Minos
Don't double post, and they're not working because you embeded the html page that displays it. For example: Change the last picture from¤t=41109138-Medium.jpg To
Below is the code for your images: Alpha shark spawn [noparse][/noparse] The Mino spawn [noparse][/noparse] The new shark spawn room, and launch mechanism [noparse][/noparse] Another shark room pic [noparse][/noparse] New shark room exit [noparse][/noparse] Side B [noparse][/noparse] Side A [noparse][/noparse] Shark launch overview [noparse][/noparse] In game pic, Shark launch [noparse][/noparse]
ill check back when pics are working seriously people need to read before they post especially new people no offence man but theres like so many threads. also the idea is nice but id like to comment that ther is a big honor rule and many 10 year olds dont like to follow them so find a way to fix it even though you sort of solved camping by fusion coild post 2/5 map 4/5
He actually has pictures and a description. His pictures don't work, but I showed him how to fix them
at 1st I thought it was going to be the map im working on but Im glad its different from the one im working on. I cant wait to check out yours when u get pics up
i like the idea i have played this countless times in my P.E. class too(it was my teachers favorite game) and I think it would play great if there werent all those jerks who dont respect the rules and the zombie starts shooting or something
how can i tell if the map is good if you dont have any pictures that work make sure you preview the thread befor you post it to make sure it is all correct
Here are two recommendations: 1. There are teleporters in front of the ghosts, that way the zombies have to drive through, and cannot walk out 2. Instead of making the rest of the Zombies have to walk, add choppers or another vehicle (maybe a warthog or mongoose eh?). Remember to fix those pictures. If I was a mod, they would be fixed, but whatever, I've still seen them.
Alpha shark spawn The Mino spawn The new shark spawn room, and launch mechanism Another shark room pic New shark room exit Side B Side A Shark launch overview In game pic, Shark launch _________________ Alpha shark spawn The Mino spawn The new shark spawn room, and launch mechanism Another shark room pic New shark room exit Side B Side A Shark launch overview In game pic, Shark launch __________________ Pictures are up!!!!