Debate Capitalism or Socialism

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by wells.jack, Jun 21, 2008.

  1. wells.jack

    wells.jack Ancient
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    Although Capitalism has recently emerged as the dominant system in the last couple years many still advocate the Socialist system. While Communism has faded in Asia with the collapse of the USSR, and China moving toward Capitalism; many European countries have been sliding to a more socialist system. As an Objectivist I support Capitalism and the individual rather than the state; but I would like to hear others opinions on the subject.
  2. SpoRkeR

    SpoRkeR Ancient
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    Socialism sounded like a great idea, but when put into action it fails miserably. Capitalism sounds just as great, but when execute it equals success.
  3. haruki jitsunin

    haruki jitsunin Ancient
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    Are you kidding? I think you might be confusing socialism with communism. Socialism is that happy medium between the two. Already, there are many socialist states that have done really well. Whereas most people may not see it at a glance, france and germany have already gone mostly-socialist and the euro's doing better than ever. Capitalism whereas it has its good principles and isn't flawless. Socialism is like capitalism, it has great ideas, but isn't flawless. I belive that we can acheive a more ideal ecenomic and governmental system by combining ideas from each. Don't take either as absolute, but see each for its benefits and use them.
  4. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Socialism ain't Communism, kid. Don't mix it up.

    The moral difference I see between Capitalism and Communism is basically that while Communism makes bad stuff spread apart (in theory, of course. -_0j), Capitalism takes the bad things and throws it all into one section of the community. Ergo, poor people are usually stuck in that class, while rich kids do whatever with their life and still stay in their same social class. So it's a matter of opinion. Would you want pain and suffering distributed evenly amongst the whole, or quarantined heavily into minute sections? Think of it like a disease. Do you want the disease affecting your whole body evenly, or all concentrated into one body part?

    (And that concludes my first and hopefully last post in the Debate section.)

    Edit: To Chips: I'm not siding with either one. They both have different pros and cons, and the final choice lays mostly on bias.
    #4 Nemihara, Jun 21, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2008
    HumBoys likes this.
  5. Metroshell

    Metroshell Ancient
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    Is the United States Capitalism or what?
  6. Chipsinabox

    Chipsinabox Ancient
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    Wow, I have to say, everyone in here but Nemihara seems to have never taken a world history class. I guess, since I am posting, that I have to make a decision. I would side with capitalism. Sure, It has it faults, but Im with love with free thought and expression.
  7. haruki jitsunin

    haruki jitsunin Ancient
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    Okay, I fail to see how my post shows my lack of knowledge of world history. I'm interested to see why you think so lowly of my post and would like more than an insult to explain that.
  8. wells.jack

    wells.jack Ancient
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    I seem to been a little vague on the topic. I meant to compare the differences between socialist states (communism being an extreme form) and those favoring a more capitalist system. While Nemihara believes that Socialism creates equality all it really does is take from those who produce and give it to those who do not. Sooner or later those who produce tire of having the fruits of their work taken from them and stop producing. When this happens the nonproducers have no one to provide for them and the entire fabric of socialism unravels. Men are not like beasts of burden; they will not work for long with no reward for their labor.
  9. Citizyn Raven

    Citizyn Raven Ancient

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    Communism is the ultimate form of government. In a communism, there is no poverty. there is no social class changes. The thing that makes or breaks the utopia of a perfect communism. Stalin couldn't do it, no one can do it. The leaders corruption is ultimately the downfall of communism. To clarify: A true communism is a system where no one man has any rights or privalages over the other. The united states claims that all men are created equal, however in the states this is not true. In the U.S., racial, stereotypical, prejudicail, and other barriers kill the chance of true equality. In a communism, no matter what age, race, gender, or personality has the exact same chance as others. However, in a true communism people have not the same chance, they have the same. In a communism, there is no leader. This prospect of government leaves it so no one man can say, "I am better than you." and be right. A very common misperception of communism is that since everyone makes the same amount of money, no one has to do anything and still get money. here is the problem with that. Let's say you have 10 people who make 1 dollar an hour. they each get 1 dollar. now lets say you have ten docters, chemists, workers, politicians, and bioengineers that make 100 dollars an hour. They have 100 dollars. Arguement made. The reason communism never worked is because the leader who tries to bring a socialism into a communism is corrupt. The other reason communism doesn't work is because without corruption, a communism is perfect. and a perfect thing cannot work.
  10. HumBoys

    HumBoys Ancient
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    Yes, it is a capitalist country.

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