
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by xFantomKillerx, Jun 22, 2008.

  1. xFantomKillerx

    xFantomKillerx Ancient
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    hey guys... this is my first post and i really would like feedback on how to make my map better... welp, here are some pics

    A Base

    A Side

    Backside A

    B Base

    B Side

    Backside B

    Middle base

    Top mid

    Bottom mid

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    thanks and keep in mind this is a perfect version! its just a smooth version please leave feedback

    edited: i changed the link to the posted map... sorry about that
    #1 xFantomKillerx, Jun 22, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2008
  2. OddWorld17

    OddWorld17 Ancient
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    its a pretty good map , but where is the creativity ? Neat Interlocked maps get lots of views, but Neat, Interlocked, Creative Maps get featured! Its still a great map i give it a 3.5/5....on creativity also becasue your new, but on neatness and just overall.. i give it a 4/5! Good Job! Now just push yourself to the next step of forging!

    Edit: Sorry i didnt know you were new here. Sorry if i was a little harsh.. Im glad to see you joined forgehub and your post meets standards right away! Great Work
    But youy also need a longer description of the map!
    Keep on forging
    #2 OddWorld17, Jun 22, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2008
  3. J A Y

    J A Y Ancient
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    ive downloaded this map from the MLG website and what i saw of it was good, but i havnt played on it so im not sure what i can say about the playability. 4/5
  4. Chicken Dippah

    Chicken Dippah Ancient
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    If I must say so I'm no expert on MLG style maps but this certainly reminds me of Amplified I think it is. Good job because that is world wide map and is known even on mars o_O. Welceme to forgehub the place that needs interlocking and pictures... You have both so you're already above MANY members in this place so congratulations there. Nice to see new members who post good maps correctly.

    This map is well interlocked and in places Geo merged I think you should show off your merging skills more because it does help making the place look a bit better for instance your single box in the open for cover nicely placed but if geomerged as you know how to you could make it cover that could be jumped over. Also there is a minority of little things that could be interlocked into your other interlocked peices just for the ultimate feeling of pro.

    The concept is pretty un-original as BTB (base to base) maps are very common and always will be but its how you execute the map and it looks pretty well done - I can't comment on weapons as you haven't provided us a list but it looks like it suits BR Team slayer to me.

    Overall Good job 4/5 (The extra 1 for me can be earned by making every little edge meet out of sight - Interlocking extra hard - and also by making something inovative that is uncommon or extremly hard to pull of) 5/5's arent easy and neither are 4/5's so excellent job for your first map <3 Chicken Dippah.
  5. sgt.pepper

    sgt.pepper Ancient
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    its pretty good for ur first map, maybe more merging and interlocking 7/10
  6. Elkan Viel

    Elkan Viel Ancient
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    It is a good first post. Though there is little interlocking I find that there is not always a need for it even though it is useful in many ways. Welcome to ForgeHub. The description should be longer and the place to download should not be in a fileshare. The rules state that you must also post it on The rules can be read here: ForgeHub Halo Forums - Announcements in Forum : Halo Forge Maps. Good job on the map again, keep posting!
  7. Jakattak418

    Jakattak418 Ancient
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    The little interlocking you have is good but this map is just way to basic you need to spice things up a bit just try to do something that has never been done before thats what will get you downloads but other than that way to go so ya nice job
  8. xMBMAxPureEvil

    xMBMAxPureEvil Ancient
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    well i like the map but yes theres not really any creativity in it you have to find some and make a map built around it i know it can be hard but keep trying
  9. the persister2

    the persister2 Ancient
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    very nice map, but try to have something special.
  10. Big Boy 2013

    Big Boy 2013 Ancient
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    You kind of said he was new at the beginning, even though this has nothing to do with the topic. But good map, probably a 5/5 on interlocking, you could have maybe put a tad bit more definition on the pictures, I guess...
  11. SVD Zero

    SVD Zero Ancient
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    looks pretty good for a first post, ill check it out and give feedback
  12. Creepy Pie

    Creepy Pie Ancient
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    well made i will have to try it out
  13. DRiSCOLL

    DRiSCOLL Ancient
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    welcome to forgehub, ur coming along nicely this map is pretty good, i like the layout i just think more cover would b good
  14. xFantomKillerx

    xFantomKillerx Ancient
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    wow... im completely surprised to have this much feedback on my first post... thanks to everyone... if anyone would like to help me clean it up, that would be awesome... i have an idea of something i could put in it but i dont think i have enough supplies... if someone could play test it and tell me how the spawns work that would be fantastic... but yea, again thanks to everyone
  15. Dodfrontlines11

    Dodfrontlines11 Ancient

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    Nice work nice interlocking some of the stuff in the middle looks like it could use some more cover but nice job otherwise.
  16. xFantomKillerx

    xFantomKillerx Ancient
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    thanks again... if anyone would be willing to pitch in some ideas to help with creativity and cover at the same time that would be great... i only have $23 left so it wont be spectacular... and if anyone has tested it, how are the spawns?
  17. Oakly HiDef

    Oakly HiDef RivalMass
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    Everyone has already said that this is like your average base to base map but its good to have new ones to cycle through sinse they all have a simiar feel but one can get tiring after a while. Good first step though. Also if you want to add more innovation just put cool aesthetic stuff that might set your map apart from the rest but keeps its overall feeling. Maybe add in one of those new switches that people keep inventing. I personally like the elevators and i recently saw a drawbridge which will make your map stand out right away
  18. xFantomKillerx

    xFantomKillerx Ancient
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    thanks... i made a few adjustments but cant put up picks or change it on my fileshare becuase im staying at my gmas and have limited internet access... but thanks everyone... towards anyone thats tested it... please leave feedback on spawns :/

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