Yea well its 3 pallets there just need to hit the propane tank and then they all blow up!Thats a lil trick my friend used.
Great map! I've been playing it all day, though people seem to get annoyed when im the last man standing and im up on the crane....... I changed the game setting to allow zombies to have grenades and have grendage rgen, and we found it worked quite well, just a sugestion for v2 - and I expect a v2 from u
looks dang good man, i think it could be good on swat and slayer but thats just me. I think u should make a mongoose or something
i have this already, very nice idea and map. VERY good for infection. its also good for VIP if he spawns atthe campsite
nice job i will download and play but really nice job i like the pics too they really show off the map way to go
very cool seems like alot of fun i also love that youre one of the few people who put a sentinel beam on there map thats anohter reason why i love u
excellent infection map. Reminds me of your first one but with more detail. Still an awsome map though. 8.5/10
th3 r00m with th3 trap d00r hole or what ever it is n33ds to be fixed wher that big gap in th3 c0rn3r is sorry but thats my opinion other then that it's sweet.