Irish Bar Fighting This is a game variant that makes the game play simular to swords. you start with a plasma pistol. the pistol is useless. if you kill someone with it, it doesnt add points to your score. You score points for beat downs and assassinations. no energy shields but increased damage resistance. cannot pick any weapons up off of the map so can pretty much be played at any map. can be played Lone Wolves style, but works best with two man teams. the more players the better!! Very fun! Game Variant link:Irish Bar Fight The Comrades' Bar This map is symmetrical. Two ramps lead to the upper level of the map, which overlooks the actual bar. Two spawn rooms are at each side of the map. From the one picture you can see that there are spawns littering the map, so spawn -blam!- should not pose a problem. At the foot of each ramp a different team will start there, and a 5th team spawn area is behind the bar. With that said, I only suggest 6-10 players for this map. Map link: The Comrades' Bar The Winchester Watch the video to learn more. Youtube video link: Gameplay on The Winchester Map link: The Winchester Club Flood The Dance Floor Club Flood is NOT responsible for injury/death while break-dancing. Almost all of Cold Storage is accessable here, but the aesthetic features give the map a different feel. Map link: Club Flood Happy Brawling!!!
uummmm that is very original, but is it beat-downs only? because a gun would ruin the whole barfight feel. looks good
Tee hee, i love the comrades bar pic. Thats really funny, just as punching someone in the back cause they stole your beer is even funnier. I loved The Winchester back when it was released. And ill be DLing Comrades bar soon as well. P.S: May I use the comrades bar pic as my avatar? Cheers! Desert Rat 852
Go ahead, I don't mind at all. And yes, only beat downs will score points. Sure, you can shoot someone, but no points will be earned if they die from it.
ha lol this is really funny and fun you shouldve hid one pistol because we all know that theres always one guy who so happens to have a gun
haha i liked the video. looks fun and original, i'll give it a download. btw, do the maps come with the irish rock music? jk lol
hey frongy!! nice to see you here! everyone i have played this map and its awesome!!!!!! woo hoo!!! EDIT: oh and you might wanna resize your sig. here the size is 200x500
Wow very creative with the bar thing reminds me of some movies irish movies lol cool great job but easily made 3/5