hell hole an awesome map by ultramilkman ok heres the thing its a map were the zombies start in a lock down room and the humans start in the other side of the map after the zombies realize theres ahole in the wall they go through the air vents but the point is the map is great and has alot of interlocking but i need help embedding pics ok i think i got it by ultramilkman
Ok im guessing you new to forgehub but you need a description embeded pics and alot of other information before this map stays on the forum go to halo 3 forge discusion and click on the forum posting guidlines to find out more sorry dude
Hello and welcome to forgehub. I hope that you will continue to be a part of this community and will be active. However, your post is not up to forgehub standards. You must have your images embedded. Please read this topic for more information about correct posting format. If you need help with embedding pictures, follow these instructions. You must first access them from your screenshots section in your Halo 3 bungie.net profile. Then, save them to your computer. You must use and external image hosting site, such as imageshack. Upload the images then select them. It should provide and image url for you, then take that url and insert it into the text box that appears when you click the image icon while posting. Good luck with your post, and if you need any further assistance please PM me or a forgehub moderator.
seriously need a lot mroe otherwise this'll be locked and yuo will get banned. the pics are easy to do go onto photobucket.com
ok, arwe you even listining, you need a discription, some pics (embedded,) links to both in first post and a map, read FH standaerds
Stop just posting "GET PICS OMFG" and actually help him. Jesus Christ, you guys are like vultures whenever there's a post like this.
yea seriously can we stop spaming him and help him out. to post pics save them to you comp then upload them to imageshack. then copy the direct link and past it in the insert image spot (click the yellow box with mountains in it and then a spot to insert will appear) then paste the direct link and vola.
I'm not going to go into detail here, I'm tired of explaining how to post. But my advice to you, just go to some featured maps, look at the layout of their posts, try to make your post look similar, the layout I mean. You have been told how to embed images by someone above me, and just an FYI, you have 24 hours before the thread will be locked. Edit any changes into the first post, don't just make a comment and add it. _____________ You won't be warned or banned for this, like HeadShot says, but the thread could be locked.
1) Go To Bungie, go to your screens. Save the large versions of all to Desktop. 2) Go to Imageshack.us, Click Browse, Select your 1st pic. 3) Click 'Host It', scroll down, use the code that says ' Hotlink For Forums (1)' 4) Copy n Paste The Code to Here. _______________- Use the size that says 'for message boards' before clicking host it.