Description: A large oval shaped track. My previous game (Shotgun Rally) didn't work out too well. There was too much cheating on it and not enough mongoosing. So this track is designed to not be cheated on. There are go-to points at the top, bottom, left and right of the track, which go in order, so you cant just cut across the middle and score points. Designed for 4-8 players, Teams of 2 Idea: You drive around the loop on mongoose's to the VIP go-to points to score points. Your VIP on the back of your mongoose has a shotgun. Incase you fall off Download: Gametype: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Map: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
This looks forged really effectively, and would be fun to play on for a while with your friends, but it looks like it might get old fast.
hello, and welcome to forgehub. you made a great map with a good concept but this should go in the race maps section. please move your post there. thank you!
This should go into casual or race maps. It looks good for a first post, but it could use a little interlocking 4/5. Edit: I love rocket race, and I think I commented on your old shotgun rally. It's hard to make a rocket race map on foundry, because it has to be completely constructed, and blocked off and what not. Good job
looks cool, seems like ans interesting race map, (and good job with the interlocking). i would dl but i'm reaching the limit, let me see if i can delete some stuff. *turns on xbox* delete, delete, delete, um i'll keep this, and delete. Ok i'll dl!
3 laps is exaggerating HeadShot, and I think you should try it before saying that, I played 150 laps around the oval shape of Sandtrap and I didn't get bored. Rethink that.
it is very well intrlocked and the measureing of the length of each side looks the same so i would raid it a 8-10 for the type of map it is
Looks great i guess but its very simmple and couldve interlocked all except for some doesnt look as exciting tho