I kinda want an orange one with the Brute emblem that says brute... aww I cant believe you an do this in photoshop, i would never figure it out.....
How do you make these? I want to attempt on MS PAint! =D Request Form Color: Navy Blue-ish Background Graphic: TV Crew Camera/ TV Set Text: Producer
ok. monkeydeath is it ok if i use one of those old fashioned camera type things? with the huge reel? EDIT: here you go brute: anything i need to change? [noparse][/noparse] EDITx2: man sage yours was a bish to make but i finally got it right. hows it look? [noparse][/noparse]
Can you mkae one for me saying hater and like something to do with hating in the picture please I will love you.
nope sorry. any done are posted up there. tonight im staying at a friends house so i wont be able to work on it till sometime tomorrow.
hey guys sorry i havent been on lately, im leaving for a trip in a couple days and im just getting ready and stuff. anyways, monkeydeath.. i could not find a good picture anywhere, so i ended up using the camera from some old movie set. it really sucks and i dont think it looks like a camera.. if you could give me a good picture i will use it. my resources are exhausted. here is the graphic though; EDIT: here is Jedi eli's;
Hye man, your renders are really nice but your bars need alot of work...i used to make them and my later ones were really nice. You can look at them here. Or I'll be happy to walk you through making them look right sometime. and wtf nitrous you had a psd this whole time?!?!?!?