This map I think is finally done because I can't see how there really is any extreme cheating left in it? My map is called Demolition "Arena", Basically its a combination of racetracks and killing each other. Basically its monster trucks but in foundry, 6 hogs, plus a few hidden surprises, and a crap load of fiery hell surrounding the arena. Around the arena there is a teleporter system to where if you re spawn in a spot where the hog has already been taken you can always just go around the arena on the floating platforms via teleporters so you don't get your ass kicked. You can have more then 6 players join to fight for the hogs, with the new room I added before with teleporters that are directly attached to the teleporter system, You can't stay in the room after 20 secs though, I made sure of that. Sorry I don't have any screen shots, I did have them a while back but I had to make room for some other pics. So please tell me what you think. Map- DEMOLITION ARENA : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Game type-Demolition Derby : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing There we go, found old ones in photo bucket I forgot about.
you need to embed pics download from your bungie profile by clicking on them upload to photobucket then copy the img tags to your posy use the preview button before submiting
Hello and welcome to forgehub. I hope that you will continue to be a part of this community and will be active. However, your post is not up to forgehub standards. You must have your images embedded. Please read this topic for more information about correct posting format. If you need help with embedding pictures, follow these instructions. You must first access them from your screenshots section in your Halo 3 profile. Then, save them to your computer. You must use and external image hosting site, such as imageshack. Upload the images then select them. It should provide and image url for you, then take that url and insert it into the text box that appears when you click the image icon while posting. Good luck with your post, and if you need any further assistance please PM me or a forgehub moderator
My apologies, Did the link work at least? Im going to get a screen shot right now, just need a few mins to get on halo 3 and check out a film of the game. And "This Topic" didn't lead me anywhere said no thread specified, so ill notify an administrator, just following rules. After i newbly didn't listen to them.
Yes your links worked so you know what your doing , now you just gotta spend a little bit more time on the forum
Your pictures must go into the first post. You will also need more and a better description. I hope to see you around.
Thank you. Also you link "This Topic" didn't work for me. And I just couldn't find the pics on my hi res thing, so I was goign get more when I found I still had some in photo bucket from a previous version of it, the map itself wasn't changed except for the extra room wasn't there in pics
Hey I have a question, where would I post a map idea and not a map in general? I can't figure out how to forge a remake map of battle creek, basement and all, so how would I go about posting this idea? What the second pic isn't enough? warthog flying through the air while explosive coils fall? Looks like a they're all a junk pile in 2 secs in real time.
You would go to 1)Forums 2)Map testing, or Discussion 3) just click, new Forum and you should be good
Normally action shots don't show off a map, but this looks so open that it would. Your title needs to be fixed, I can get a moderator to do that for you.
I'll download your map, I just think that you need pictures that are embedded. By the way, Welcome to ForgeHub and keep your maps and posts coming!
You don't need a mod to make a name change. Click Edit on your first post, then click Advanced. It will give you the option to change the title, change it to just the map name.
Seams a moderator already changed it for me, sorry i just saw your post, I'll know for the future now. So has anyone tried my map?
well ive seen this map many many times before and seriously it just looks like you redid the warthog spawing points
not bad at all, sad that you didn't flip the boxes upsidedown and then interlocked them, make a v2 for the best.