Nice work on the map. I like how Blackout has more platforms. Although I think calling it MLG when there are flame grenades on it a bit excessive.
I like playing this map with Pen and Ink and Juicy color effects on because it makes it easier to see and it looks cool. You should try it out. BTW best blackout map ever that I like so far.
Thank you, and I know I was proving my point about the MLG theory How, if you have MLG in the map name it draws peoples attention because lately there have been many "MLG" maps that do not meet the standards, but thank you for noticing
This map looks awesome and I'm really impressed. But at the end of your post, you said that some other guy made the map while you fixed it up. So you actually didn't make this map?
Actuelly this map was his idea, what he did for me was kindof draw up the place by making a crude map. he then asked me if i wanted to make it, so i took his map so i could see where he wanted all the bases and i made them. Then i added some areas of my own and therefor, created this map for everyone
This easily doubled Blackout's size, this is an excellent map. I see nothing wrong with it so far as I'm walking through it, great job. 5/5.
ok i've gotten a few Private messages saying i should make another version of this fixing a few spots and change a few things around. I am currently working on V2, but untill then this is all there is. so enjoy
way to go out there and try somthing i have rarely seen this looks great and you have completely changed blackouts play this could be very fun
Thanks i've been getting this alot, BTW i checked out your map, i like the mow the lawn idea, its like a new take on Cat v Mouse
I actually like this more than blackout! thats a good thing! There are cool jumps in it most definitely make an MLG version Capture Out!